Accomplishments: College of Education

Jungnam Kim (Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services) published the manuscript “The Relationship Between High School Sophomores’ Purpose Orientations and Their Postsecondary Completion a Decade Later” in the Professional School Counseling Journal. She worked alongside colleagues at California State University at Fresno on…
Ariana L. Garcia, Blanca E. Rincón, and Juanita Hinojosa (all Educational Psychology & Higher Education) co-authored a book chapter, "'There Was Something Missing:' How Latinas Construct Compartmentalized Identities in STEM" in the book An Asset-Based Approach to Advancing Latina Students in STEM: Increasing Resilience,…
Travis A. Olson (Teaching and Learning) is the UNLV principal investigator for a group that produced the article,"Geometric Reflections: Why Should They Not Be Just a Flip?,"  which published in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Mathematics Teacher: Teaching & Learning PK-1. The article is based on a currently running…
Bradley Marianno (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) with co-author Annie Hemphill published "Teachers’ Unions, Collective Bargaining, and the Response to COVID-19" in the journal Education Finance and Policy. 
Jungnam Kim (Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services) published the manuscript "School Principals' and Counselors' Focus on College-going: The Impact of School Leader Expectations and Primary Goals on Postsecondary Education"  in the Journal of College Access. She worked alongside colleagues from Ball State University…
Jenna Weglarz-Ward (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) has been elected vice president of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children. This international professional organization supports policy, research, and practices for children 0-8 years old with disabilities and their families. She will…
Chia-Liang Dai (Teaching and Learning) served as lead author on the article "Physical activity interventions targeting perceived body image among adolescent girls" published in the Journal of Physical Education and Sport in collaboration with colleagues Manoj Sharma (Environmental and Occupational Health), Ching-Chen Chen (Counselor…
Chyllis Scott (Teaching and Learning) and her colleagues, UNLV alum Fawn Canady, '06 Master of Education and '17 PhD Curriculum and Instruction, now of Sonoma State University, and and Troy Hicks of Central Michigan University, published an article “Walking a Thin Line”: Exploring the Tensions Between Composition Curriculum and Students’ Lives as…
Blanca E. Rincón and Kristine J. Espinoza (both Educational Psychology and Higher Education) co-authored a manuscript on how dually designated Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Latinx-serving institutions communicate "servinginess" through campus artifacts. Using critical ethnographic methods, they found that campus artifacts at…
Danica G. Hays (Education) co-authored an article, "A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Supports and Barriers for Rural College Students," in the Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention. The article outlines an exploratory sequential mixed-methods study on the environmental supports and barriers for students attending a…
Federick Ngo (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) published a study with co-author Elizabeth S. Park (UC Irvine) in the journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. Titled "The Effect of Developmental Math on STEM Participation in Community College: Variation by Race, Gender, Achievement, and Aspiration," the study examines how…
Stephanie Loomis (Teaching and Learning) has published a chapter, Mobile Phones, Arts Integration, and English Language Arts, in the book Affordances and Constraints of Mobile Phone Use in English Language Arts Classrooms.  This chapter considers the affordances of smartphones as tools for arts integration in English language arts…