Accomplishments: School of Nursing

Angela Amar (Nursing) was one of the featured speakers at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Diversity Symposium. The virtual November event focuses on advanced diversity and building more inclusive learning environments to help address health care inequities.
Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing) was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award from St. Ambrose University College of Health and Human Services in Davenport, Iowa in October. This award recognizes a graduate who exemplifies the mission of St. Ambrose through outstanding leadership, scholarship, or community…
Joseph Gaccione (Nursing) was honored at the Public Relations Society of America (Las Vegas Valley Chapter) 2021 Pinnacle Awards.  Gaccione won two Pinnacle Awards for his nursing stories, "From Canada to Vegas" and "Scrubs and Spikes."  Joseph previously won in 2020 for Best Blog for UNLV School of Nursing's Rebel Nursing Notes.
Andrew Thomas Reyes (Nursing) received a $60,000 research grant from the Mountain West Clinical & Translational Research Infrastructure Network (MW CTR-IN) for his research project, “Refining and Testing a Mindfulness/Acceptance-Based Smartphone App Intervention to Develop Resilience among Nurses Traumatized from the Effects of the COVID-19…
Susan McLennon and Nirmala Lekhak (both Nursing) published an article in the November issue of the Journal of Gerontological Nursing entitled: "A World Upside Down": Experiences of Informal Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tirth R. Bhatta (Sociology), Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing), and Neema Langa (Sociology) collaborated with Timothy Goler of Norfolk State University to publish an article in the Journal of Elder Policy titled "Racial Differences in Self-…
Karen Callahan (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), Ji  Yoo (Medicine),  Jennifer Vanderlaan (Nursing), Jay Shen (Healthcare Administration), public health doctoral student Zahra Mojtahedi, and master of public health student Katayoon Ghodsi, along with Guogen Shan of the University of Florida, and Jerry Reeves of CoMagine Health…
Angela Amar (Nursing) was recently published as a co-author: "A comparison of non-traditional online and traditional wet-lab experiences in human anatomy and physiology: An innovative approach for pre-licensure nursing education. Nurse Education Today." The purpose of this study was to determine if traditional hands-on laboratory experiences…
Nursing faculty and students were recently honored at the Shining Stars of Nursing in Nevada ceremony Oct. 2. Angela Amar won the People's Choice Award for dean. The following faculty were recognized in the Top 50 under 50 list: Aaron Bellow, Esmeralda Clark, Rhone D'Errico, Karen Eisenberg, Angela Silvestri-Elmore, Alena Grewal, Hyunhwa Lee…
Rocky Rockstraw (Nursing) was recently published in a recent edition of The Journal of Educators Online.  The article is entitled, "Text-Based Versus Video Discussion to Promote a Sense of Community: An International Mixed-Methods Study." Rockstraw was a co-author in the study.
Rhone D'Errico (Nursing) was recently featured on the September episode of "Here's the Issue," a podcast from the Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. The topic concerned the human papillomavirus vaccinations among college students at a state university and how nurse practitioners can more effectively…
Kathleen Thimsen (Nursing) recently presented alongside other experts at the World Summit Against Forced Organ Harvesting to address forced organ harvesting and how to identify it and prevent it. She also breaks down forensic nursing and how this focus relates to this global issue. This was the first time nurses were invited to…