Accomplishments: Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) has been awarded the Early Career Award by the Rhetoric and Community Theory Division of the National Communication Association. The award honors a current member of the division who has established an innovative and robust research project within eight years of having earned the Ph.D. degree…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies), recent Journalism and Media Studies MA graduate Kia Cummings, Richard Johnson (Arizona State University), and Miles Romney (BYU) published a paper titled, "The Rinaldi frame: the NCAA, College Gameday, and the commodification of Black hardship," in the academic journal Sport in Society. This study…
David R. Gruber (Communication Studies) recently published an article titled, "Toward a Rhetorical Theory of the Face: Algorithmic Inequalities and Biometric Masks as Material Protest." The article draws on rhetorical concepts and new materialist theory to think ecologically about the face and its role in communication. Despite the development of…
Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) and Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) co-authored the lead chapter in the edited volume, Wait Five Minutes: Weatherlore in the Twenty-First Century (University Press of Mississippi, 2023). Combining rhetorical analysis with folklore studies, their chapter, "…
David R. Gruber (Communication Studies) has published a book chapter titled, "Sniff the Air and Settle In: Bullshit, Rhetorical Listening, and the Copenhagen School's Approach to Despicable Nonsense." The chapter reviews existing work on the rhetoric of "bullshitting" and argues that we do yet not have a very good answer regarding what to do about…
Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) and Curtis Chamblee (UNLV Communication Studies MA) have published an article titled, "Rhetorical fractals: An Afrocentric analysis of #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd," in Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies. The article develops the concept of "rhetorical fractals" to trace public responses to…
Sofia Takhtadjian and Issac Hernandez-Alcaraz (both from The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West) were selected to represent Nevada as part of the 2023 Western Governors' Leadership Institute, where they attended the Western Governors' Association's 2023 Annual Meeting in Boulder, Colorado. The two participated in the institute’s…
The UNLV Greenspun College of Urban Affairs hosted an award and scholarship ceremony on April 26, 2023. The following individuals received Faculty in Excellence Awards. Excellence in Teaching Award - Lawrence Mullen, School of Public Policy and Leadership   Excellence in Research Award - Nicholas Barr, School of Social Work …
Grant: Advising Colleagues from Across Campus The UNLV Academic Advising community was recently awarded a two-time grant from the Stupski Foundation to focus on wellness initiatives for academic advising professionals within NACADA Region 9 institutions. Two teams submitted a proposal that addresses the needs for wellness, sustainability,…
Kia Cummings (recent graduate of the Journalism and Media Studies MA program) and associate professor Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) have published an article titled, “Soul on Ice: Black Commodification, Race, and the National Hockey League," in the Sociology of Sport Journal. The article considers how…
Jesse Barnes, M.S. (Public Affairs) presented the first study from his dissertation work at the 80th annual Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) hybrid conference in Chicago titled, "Contested Federalism and Local Drinking Water Administration: The Effect of a Federal Rollback in Clean Water Act Enforcement.” Barnes is a Ph.D. candidate…
David R. Gruber (Urban Affairs) published a paper titled, "Material foundations of scientific metaphors: A New Materialist metaphor studies." The paper uses a case study from the neurosciences to argue that scholarly discussions of scientific metaphors in the humanities and social sciences must give greater attention to the specific…