Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Assistant professors Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing) and Tirth Bhatta (Sociology) collaborated with Case Western Reserve University colleagues Eva Kahana (Sociology) and Frances Payne Bolton (Nursing) to publish a study, "Prayer and Mental Health in Later Life: The Role of Positive Emotions," examining the mechanisms underlying the positive effect of…
The department of world languages and cultures hosted the French government's DELF/DALF exams from June 12-15. Coordinated by Margaret Harp and the Alliance Française de Las Vegas, the DELF (Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) are official qualifications awarded by the French…
Jennifer Byrnes and Taylor Flaherty (both Anthropology) along with Antonella Maddalena, published an article titled, "Misgendering a transgender woman using FORDISC 3.1: A case study perspective," in Forensic Science International: Synergy. This case study provides insight into the limitations of forensic methods in…
Kara Christensen Pacella (Psychology) and colleagues at the University of Kansas published an article in Eating Behaviors, "Prospectively predicting naturalistic exposure to fitspiration and thinspiration in young women with disordered eating by leveraging an ecological momentary assessment design." This is the first publication from Christensen…
Kasra Ghaharian (International Gaming Institute), Brett Abarbanel (International Gaming Institute), Shane W. Kraus (Psychology), Ashok Singh (Hospitality), and Bo Bernhard (Office of Economic Development) published an article titled, "Evaluating the generalizability of payment behavioral profiles across gambling brands," in International Gambling…
On Thursday, June 15, 2023, OUR’s Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal’s Vol. 3, Issue 1 went live with four undergraduate research articles. This issue celebrates the work of undergraduate researchers representing three academic departments: department of history, School of Life Sciences, and department of civil and environmental engineering…
Tyler D. Parry (African American and African Diaspora Studies Program; Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) ppeared on KNPR's State of Nevada to discuss the history and significance of "Juneteenth" in Nevada and across the United States.
Jared Oestman (Political Science) and Rick K. Wilson (Political Science, Rice University) published "The Effect of Biased Peacekeepers on Building Trust" in the Journal of Experimental Political Science. The authors used a laboratory experiment to evaluate the extent to which impartiality matters in efforts by third-party peacekeepers to…
Gary Totten (English) published the article, "'Time Is a Flat Circle': The Naturalist Visual Aesthetic of Contemporary Television Crime Series," in the journal Studies in American Naturalism. Totten discusses HBO’s True Detective seasons one (2014) and three (2019), while also comparing Netflix’s Bloodline (2015–2017) and Ozark (2017–2022).…
Sujata Chattopadhyay's (English) had a proposal accepted for presentation at the Annual Modern Language Association (MLA) Convention on Jan. 4-7, 2024, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at The Global South and Ireland Roundtable. Title of presentation: "A Curious Case of the Country-Born Anglo-Indian: Disease and Healing in Rudyard Kipling’s Kim"…
Grant: Advising Colleagues from Across Campus The UNLV Academic Advising community was recently awarded a two-time grant from the Stupski Foundation to focus on wellness initiatives for academic advising professionals within NACADA Region 9 institutions. Two teams submitted a proposal that addresses the needs for wellness, sustainability,…
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) presented "Al Morir, Nos Volvemos Muertos: Perspectivas Filosóficas sobre la Muerte de Niños y Niñas en Tienguistengo, Hidalgo" for the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Hidalgo, as part of their Semana Nacional por la Diversidad y la Interculturalidad, 2023.