Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Christopher Kearney (Psychology) published the fourth edition of Psychopathology and Life: A Dimensional Approach via Cengage. This textbook presents a contemporary, science-based view of psychopathology that emphasizes the individual first. The textbook features clinical cases and real first-person narratives that help students view abnormal…
A story by Roberto Lovato (English) in Alta Journal on the appropriation of psychedelics, The Gentrification of Consciousness, was nominated for a Best Commentary award by the Los Angeles Press Club.
David Fott (Political Science) published "Philosophy, Politics, and Rhetoric in Cicero's On the Orator" in the latest issue of Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy. Several scholars maintain that Cicero regards philosophy and rhetoric as coexisting in ultimate harmony. Fott argues instead that Cicero subtly demonstrates that…
Margarita Jara (World Languages and Cultures) presented the research paper, "Revisiting the present perfect in Peruvian Amazonian Spanish,” in the II international Congress ALFALito held at Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) from May 2-5, 2023.  
Aldo Barrita, Richard Chang, and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology) published a paper, "Assumptions of immigration status: A moderated mediation analysis of racial microaggressions and internalization impacting Latinx and Asian college students," in the Journal of Social Psychology of Education.
Karli Nave, Joel Snyder, and Erin Hannon (all Psychology) published a paper titled, "Sustained musical beat perception develops into late childhood and predicts phonological abilities," in the journal Developmental Psychology. Nave is a former Ph.D. student in the department of psychology and Snyder and Hannon are faculty in the department of…
Breanne D. Yerkes, Christina M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, Julie F. Beasley, Erin E. Hannon, and Joel S. Snyder published a paper titled, "Acoustic and Semantic Processing of Auditory Scenes in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders," in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. This work was based on Yerkes' Ph.D. dissertation.…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a co-authored article, "Mediation Analysis of Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiments on Vaccine Willingness," in Health Psychology, along with 120 coauthors. This article analyzes a survey across 137 countries and 40 languages (n = 15740) on political trust and vaccine…
Michelle Turk (History) published a book review of Outback Nevada: Real Stories from the Silver State by John M. Glionna. Turk's review will appear in the fall 2023 print edition of the Western Historical Quarterly.
Faculty member Roberto Lovato (English) was among the San Francisco authors selected to be a Library Laureate. He and other authors were celebrated at a gala sponsored by the San Francisco Public Library.
Elizabeth Lawrence (Sociology), Samantha John (Brain Health), and Tirth Bhatta (Sociology) published an article, "Urbanicity and Cognitive Functioning in Later Life," in the journal Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring.
Jeff Schauer (History) was interviewed for a story on Reality Blurred about an upcoming reality television show, Renovation Wild, that involves tourism, conservation, and colonial legacies in Zambia.