In The News: William S. Boyd School of Law


Las Vegas’ gaming industry, still rebounding from the coronavirus pandemic, is anxiously watching for final tallies of Nevada’s votes for president. An official announcement is expected Thursday morning.


Las Vegas’ gaming industry, still rebounding from the coronavirus pandemic, is anxiously watching for final tallies of Nevada’s votes for president. An official announcement is expected Thursday morning.


It’s all about stigma. Philadelphia wants to enforce its laws against sexual orientation discrimination, while an agency that contracts with the city wants an exemption, rooted in free exercise of religion, so it does not have to give foster children to same-sex couples. The stigma of racial discrimination was raised at the argument before the Supreme Court in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, which took place on November 4, 2020. The question is whether the Justices will see sexual orientation discrimination as similarly stigmatic to racial discrimination, or if they will think it is a good thing protected by religious freedom.


The numbers tell the sad story.

RIA Intel

Throughout every year, financial advisors win awards and are ranked against one another, mainly by media organizations.


As a child in the early 1980s, LeRonne Armstrong spent much of the summer watching cartoons at his grandma’s apartment in West Oakland’s Acorn Projects. The public housing development would later become notorious as the site where Black Panther co-founder Huey Newton was killed in 1989, but for Armstrong’s mother, it was where she sent her three children for safekeeping as crack began menacing the city and violent crime was on the rise.

Two Idaho tribal casinos and one California casino have temporarily closed following a cyberattack. This is relatively unusual, but other gaming properties should prepare for the continuing risk, several cybersecurity legal experts warn.


On a morning he should have been in middle school, 12-year-old Isaac Durham collapsed on the sidewalk after drinking a fifth of vodka stolen from a Circle K in Flagstaff, Arizona. After the paramedics pumped his stomach, he was charged with underaged consumption of alcohol and became a juvenile offender for the first time.


Thousands of Americans see their tax returns audited every year — but it’s safe to say none have seen an audit go on as long as President Donald Trump’s.

Nevada Current

With ballots arriving in the mail and early voting starting this weekend people across Nevada will need to dig into some voter guides.

Australian Broadcasting Corp.

The Senate confirmation hearing for Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett has entered its second day, with the conservative Justice refusing to declare if she'd vote to overturn US abortion law.

U.S. News & World Report

Former U.S. Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid is endorsing a state Assembly member against a longtime state court judge in their race for an open seat on the Nevada Supreme Court.