Accomplishments: Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

Christine Springer (Public Policy and Leadership) was a plenary speaker for the DRI 2017 Professionals Conference in February. She addressed emergency management and homeland security degrees nationwide, the ECEM (executive master of science in crisis and emergency management) degree that she helped start and manages and also where the emergency…
Nancy Lough, James Hines (both Educational Psychology and Higher Education), and Margo Malik (Athletics) participated in the Sport and Recreation Law Association's 30th annual conference in Las Vegas this month. Lough, the invited keynote speaker, titled her talk, "If We Build It, Will They Come? Considering 30 Years of Sport Law and Policy."…
Schools of Dental Medicine, Nursing, and Social Work, and departments of Physical Therapy and Psychology hosted the third annual Inter-Professional Education (IPE) Day during the first week of March. The day-long event provided students with group interactions such as a poverty simulation designed to encourage collaborative, positive patient…
Gregory Borchard (Journalism and Media Studies) is the author of "Beyond Radicalism: The New-York Tribune's Whiggishness and Constructive Democracy," which appears in the March edition of Journalism & Communication Monographs.
Randall Shelden (Criminal Justice) recently completed his first novel, An Improbable Rise. It has been published as a Kindle e-book. 
Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) has written an article, “Annie and the Shaman: Exploring Data via Provocative Artifacts” that has been accepted by Leonardo, an MIT Press peer-reviewed journal exploring the application of contemporary science and technology to the arts. The article covers the development of an exploratory data…
The Multicultural Educational Services Alliance (MESA) Team (Education) was chosen from more than 90 applicants as a focus project at the national Teach to Lead Summit held in Washington, D.C., last month. The annual teacher preparation summit seeks to spotlight and advance groundbreaking research and work happening in states, districts, and…
Magdalena Martinez (Lincy Institute and College of Urban Affairs) has written a chapter that has been published in the book Engaged Research and Practice: Higher Education and the Pursuit of the Public Good.  Engaged Research and Practice is about two prevailing and complementary ideas that have surfaced in the higher education arena:…
Cassandra Boyer, Jorge Adrian Castrejon, Jessica Nave-Blodgett, Andrew Ortiz, and Karl Wennerlind have been chosen to receive the fall 2016 Southwest Travel Awards. They were selected from among 150 student applicants. Recipients of the awards receive a round-trip travel voucher from Southwest Airlines to allow them to travel to a conference or…
Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) presented his work in the U.S. Senate Rotunda in Washington, D.C., as part of the competitively selected “Home Means Nevada” exhibit highlighting federally managed lands in Nevada and sponsored by the National Parks Conservation Association, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Nevada Arts…
Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) recently published a research article titled "All ҳ| 鶹ýӳ Whom? Stock Photos, Interactive Narratives and How News ҳ| 鶹ýӳ Governmental Surveillance Is Visualized" in Visual Communication Quarterly examining how media covers surveillance and the implications for public understanding. The research…
UNLV's Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education project (TILT Higher Ed) (Provost's Office) is the focus of the current issue of the journal Peer Review, published by the Association of American Colleges & Universities. A research article by UNLV's Mary-Ann Winkelmes (Provost's Office), Matthew Bernacki (Educational Psychology…