Accomplishments: Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) was invited to present at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) photography group in Geneva, Switzerland, in July on collaborative efforts to document and protect public lands, including Nevada's Basin and Range and Gold Butte national monuments.
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) presented "Positive Disruption: Gender, Popular Communication, and the Growth Mindset" at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication held in Chicago in August. Her presentation addressed the use of disruption in teaching feminist concepts and making students aware…
Donovan Conley (Communication Studies), Janet Dufek (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Jennifer Rennels (Psychology) have been named Graduate Faculty Fellows for the 2017-18 academic year. The Graduate Faculty Fellows Program allows UNLV faculty and the Graduate College to work together on projects each academic year. The program…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) is the author of an article, "YouTube Kids: The App Economy and Mobile Parenting," which recently was published in the journal Social Media + Society. The article was part of a special issue on infancy and media and explores the growing relationship between media industries and the everyday viewing…
Breanna Boppre (Criminal Justice), Leiszle Lapping-Carr (Psychology), and Michael Moncrieff (Anthropology), recently were announced by the Graduate College as the recipients of the 2017-18 President's UNLV Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. The fellowships are funded by gifts to the UNLV Foundation by the Frank Koch Living Trust for…
Breanna Boppre (Criminal Justice) has been awarded the President's UNLV Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for the 2017-18 academic year. Her doctoral dissertation research focuses on understanding the pathways of justice-involved women of color, and their criminogenic needs and strengths. Boppre and her work were the subject of an…
An-Pyng Sun (Social Work) received the Centennial Alumni Award from Case Western Reserve University, Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. On the occasion of its 100th anniversary last October, the Mandel School recognized 100 alumni for their exceptional work toward "inspiring hope and shaping the future."
Larissa Terán (Communication Studies), Jonathan Birds, Anna Caputo, Rich Easter, Rosa Rosas, and Mark Sakurada (all Public Policy and Leadership) received honors at the 8th annual Greenspun College of Urban Affairs' (GCUA) Graduate Research Symposium in April. The symposium offers graduate students in GCUA the opportunity to present their…
The Greenspun College of Urban Affairs Academic Advising Center has been chosen as the "Student's Choice" Academic Advising Center of the Year. The college was selected by the results of a survey that was sent out to the entire UNLV student population. This survey was administered by the Rebel Voice Commission, an academic advising commission…
Jennifer Guthrie (Communication Studies) and Adrianne Kunkel of the University of Kansas were awarded the 2016 B. Aubrey Fisher Outstanding Journal Article Award from the Western States Communication Association for their article, "Survivor: Women's Stories of Navigation and Tensions in a Domestic Violence Shelter."
Erika Engstrom (Communication Studies) is the author of Feminism, Gender, and Politics in NBC's Parks and Recreation, which just has been published (Peter Lang, New York). This book analyzes the various ways the series presented feminism as a positive force, such as the satirical portrayal of patriarchy; alternative depictions of…
The UNLV Debate Team celebrated its second consecutive year advancing to the elimination rounds of the National Debate Tournament (NDT). The NDT is the most prestigious and challenging collegiate debate tournament in America. This year two individual UNLV teams advanced to the elimination rounds of the NDT — a first for the program…