Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Nicholas Barron (Anthropology) published "Assembling ‘Enduring Peoples,' Mediating Recognition: Anthropology, the Pascua Yaqui Indians, and the Co-Construction of Ideas and Politics" in the journal History and Anthropology. The article compares the concurrent development of Edward Spicer’s theory of "enduring peoples" and his political support for…
The UNLV department of philosophy recently hosted the 84th annual meeting of the Southwestern Philosophical Society. This event, which brought over 50 philosophers onto the UNLV campus, was also supported by the College of Liberal Arts. C. E. Abbate, K. Ladstaetter, and J. Woodbridge presented commentaries, while D. Beisecker (all Philosophy)…
Samantha O’Connell, Jessica Nave-Blodgett, Grace Wilson, Erin Hannon, and Joel Snyder (all Psychology) published a paper titled, "Elements of musical and dance sophistication predict musical groove perception," in Frontiers in Psychology. O’Connell and Nave-Blodgett are experimental psychology Ph.D. recipients from UNLV and Wilson is a current…
David. Damore (The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West, Political Science) published an analysis titled, "Blue metros, red state politics in the 2022 Nevada midterm elections," on the Brookings Institution's FixGox blog examining state and regional voting patterns in the recently completed 2022 midterm elections. The analysis finds that…
Katherine Walker (English) was appointed as a co-editor to The Oxford Handbook of Christopher Marlowe. The handbook will bring together an international group of experts on the author Marlowe and offer new critical and theoretical approaches to early modern drama. 
Zachary Billot (Political Science, Honors College, The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West) recently had his Op-Ed titled, "Stuck Like Glue: Eating Meat in the Modern Era," published by the Institute for Youth in Policy. His piece discusses the contemporary societal implications of meat eating and the impacts of factory farming has…
Aldo M. Barrita (Psychology) was recently elected as the next Chair-Elect representative (2023-2025) for the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS). The chair-elect becomes chair in year two, and past-chair in year three. As chair, Aldo will represent all student members of the American Psychological Association, and…
The UNLV chapter of the National Political Science Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha, hosted Life After College, a panel series about career pathways after undergrad. Elizabeth Maltby (Political Science), Jared Oestman (Political Science), Brian Wall (Law), and Gerard Gosioco, J.D. ('12 BA), discussed potential careers in policy, academia, and law.…
Jennifer Rennels (Psychology) published "Recommendations for Investigating the Cross-Category Effect Among Hispanic and Latino Populations" in Perspectives on Psychological Science. Individuals who are Hispanic or Latino make up a substantial portion of the U.S. and world population, yet are vastly underrepresented as both…
Lisa Johnson (Anthropology) presented her work, "Ritualizing Labor and Craft at the Classic Maya City of Palenque," in an invited session, "Social Archaeology Futures," at the annual American Anthropological Association conference in Seattle, Washington.
Anthony King and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (both Psychology) recently published a chapter on youth gambling in the Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health. This chapter highlights new research regarding recreational and problem gambling, as well as some trends of the modern gambling and (video) gaming industries.
Dave Beisecker's (Philosophy) article, "Grief and Self-Knowledge," has just been published in The Journal of the Philosophy of Emotion. It is part of a symposium on Grief: A Philosophical Guide (Princeton, 2021) by Michael Cholbi of the University of Edinburgh.