Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Korey Tillman (Sociology) recently published an essay in the American Sociological Association’s SREM - Mentoring Blog titled "#SocAF – A Movement in Self and Communal Love." The essay highlights his efforts to change academic culture and eradicate impostor syndrome. #SocAF is a movement that focuses on self- and communal-love encouraging…
Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology) has been awarded a prestigious Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellowship for the 2020-21 academic year. This fellowship, funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, recognizes exceptional early-career faculty with promising research projects. Rodriguez is one of 10 scholars to receive the year-long national…
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) published a review of the latest book, The Reliqualium of Winds, by Russian poet Alexander Radashkevich (Paris, France) in Interpoetry (Interpoezia) literary magazine (New York). 
Amanda Fortini (Journalism) recently won the prestigious Rabkin Prize. The fourth annual Rabkin Prize for Arts Writers, given by the Dorothea and Leo Rabkin Foundation, recognizes outstanding contributions by critics who write on visual arts. The prize was awarded to nine writers nationally. Each honoree will receive $50,000.…
Repairer Etuk and Shane Kraus (both Psychology) and colleagues recently published a systematic review, "Gambling Problems in US Military Veterans, in Current Addiction Reports. 
C.E. Abbate (Philosophy) published her paper, "Meat Eating and Moral Responsibility," in Utilitas. 
Maggie McMullin (Psychology) recently received the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Award through the U.S. Department of Defense and Office of Naval Research to support her research on auditory scene perception. This is a competitive fellowship that promotes education and research relevant to the defense…
Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes (Anthropology) has received a grant from the Culture and Animals Foundation to conduct research on his project "Redefining Dog Breeds in Mexico City: Race, Nationalism, and Compassion." This project will examine the relationship between dog breed and dog adoption in Mexico City. Rescue dog organizations are…
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Culture) had his translation from English to Russian of a selection of poems from the book "The  Country Between Us" by an American poet Carolyn Forché published in Interpoetry (Interpoezia) literary magazine. 
Joel Snyder (Psychology), along with David Little and Mounya Elhilali, both of Johns Hopkins University, has published a paper on computational modeling of auditory perception in PLoS Computational Biology. Little formerly was a post-doctoral fellow in psychology at UNLV.  
Andrew Thomas Reyes, Judzia Bombard, and William Gangozo (all Nursing), Tirth Bhatta (Sociology), and Venkatesan Muthukumar (Electrical & Computer Engineering), published an article, “Promoting Resilience Among College Student Veterans Through an Acceptance-and-Commitment-Therapy App: An Intervention Refinement Study,” in the Community Mental…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a case series, "Trauma-informed Drug Screens for Veterans with Co-occurring Disorders: A Case Series," in the Journal of Dual Diagnosis.