Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Erika G. Abad (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies ) guest edited a special issue of Sinister Wisdom focusing on lesbians in the city. The issue includes works challenging "lesbian" as a fixed identity with special attention to contributors not from New York or California. Abad chose pieces that addressed the questions: How do…
Alyssa Crittenden, Trevor Pollom, and Kristen Herlosky (all Anthropology) and Chad Cross (Medicine), along with Elle Ford, '17 BA Psychology, recently authored a paper, "Effects of a Mixed‐Subsistence Diet on the Growth of Hadza Children," in the American Journal of Human Biology. It explores the early effects of dietary transition among…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) recently published two books chapters. The first chapter, "Prevention and treatment of sexual addiction" is coming out in the Cambridge Handbook of Substance and Behavioral Addictions. The second chapter, "Digital technologies and sex: Internet and smartphone influences on pornography viewing and other sexual…
John Tuman (Political Science) has had an article, "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Market Conditions in Nevada: A Preliminary Assessment," accepted for publication in the Journal of Labor and Society.  
Marta Soligo (Sociology, UNLV International Gaming Institute) published a blog post in Northern Notes, the blog of the School of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Leeds in the UK, titled "The Local is the New Tourist: Sociological Perspectives on Italy’s Travel Market Recovery." In the post, Soligo examines…
Tiffiany Howard (Political Science), Congressional Black Caucus Foundation senior research analyst Naomi Smith, and foundation intern Uju Nwaigwe of Georgetown University have published "Banks and the Black Community: What Can Major Commercial and Retail Banking Institutions Do to Better Support Black Entrepreneurs and…
Marina Garber (Colacicchi) (World Language & Cultures) published a selection of poetry in Russian was published in the literary magazine The Text, Germany. 
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) presented her paper "'Maybe It Was All God Trying to Stop Me': The Harmful Intimacy of Crossing Borders for Abortion Care" as part of the Resisting Borders II online conference "Refugee and Migrant Health: Caring on the Landscape of Displacement."
Vanessa Booth (Political Science),  Peter Grema (Economics), and Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) each received the Office of Undergraduate Research Summer Undergraduate Research Funding Scholarship for Summer 2020. With this funding, these students can continue their research on important public policy issues and…
Mary Blankenship (Chemistry and Economics) recently had an Op-Ed published in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "In an age of misinformation, fact-checking must be encouraged." In her piece, Blankenship discusses how "the pervasiveness of misinformation on social media makes it one of the great challenges of the 21st century." Blankenship is pursuing a…
Jeff Schauer (History) will serve a two-year term as secretary for the Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies (PCCBS), an interdisciplinary scholarly organization dedicated to the study of Britain, its former empire, and its global context. He previously has served on prize and program committees for the PCCBS, and on prize and search…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) will be offering a webinar on problem gambling among U.S. veterans (Gambling Problems in US Military Veterans) on June 12, sponsored by Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies.