Accomplishments: School of Life Sciences

Scott Abella (Life Sciences) recently received two grants. One is a three-year, $115,000 grant from the National Park Service (NPS). He is working with the southwest exotic plant management team of the NPS to plan, write,  and execute three restoration plans for two national parks. There will be two plans for Guadalupe Mountains…
Dennis Bazylinski (Life Sciences) recently was named a fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM). A total of 88 microbiologists were elected to fellowship in the AAM. Fellows of the academy are elected annually through a highly selective, peer-review process based on their record of scientific achievement and original contributions that…
Dennis Bazylinski (Life Sciences) was recently named a Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM). Eighty-eight microbiologists were elected to Fellowship this year. Fellows of the Academy are elected annually through a highly selective, peer-review process based on their record of scientific achievement and original contributions that…
Dennis Bazylinski (Life Sciences) had 20 scientific publications accepted, including 17 scientific papers and three book chapters, in 2013. He worked with a number of collaborators on the writings, including colleagues across the nation and around the world. While serving his fourth term as a chair of the school he was able to maintain an active…
Dennis Bazylinski (Life Sciences ) and Mark Buttner (Community Health Sciences) received a 14-month, $106,098 award from the Clark County School District to establish an airborne pollen monitoring program in Las Vegas.
Lawrence Walker (Life Sciences), along with colleague and former student Aaron Shiels, '02 MS Ecology, won the 2013 Society of Biology Award for best postgraduate textbook for their recent book, Landslide Ecology (Cambridge University Press).
Dan Bubb (Academic Assessment), Gregory Schraw (Education), David James (Academic Programs), Barbara Brents (Sociology), Kyle Kaalberg (Teaching and Learning), Gwen Marchand (Educational Psychology), Penny Amy (Biology), and Ann Cammett (Law) recently published an article in Assessment Update, a publication that is widely read by assessment…
Penny Amy and Diane Yost (both Life Sciences) had their work featured in the May issue of Microbe Magazine, the official newsletter of the American Microbiology Society. The article, "Pitting Microbes Against One Another," talks about how investigators are testing whether other microbes can help hold pathogens in check to quell infectious disease…
Kevin Kemner (Architecture), Jenifer Utz (Life Sciences), Louis Kavouras (Dance), Daniel Bubb (Academic Assessment), and Lindsay Couzens (Academic Assessment) recently made a presentation at the Association for the Assessment of Higher Learning Education's annual Assessment Conference in Lexington, Ky. The presentation demonstrated how a series of…