Accomplishments: Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies

Benjamin Burroughs, Benjamin J. Morse, Travis Carmona (all Journalism and Media Studies), and Travis Snow (Sociology) have published an article, "The Masks We Wear: Watchmen, Infrastructural Racism, and Anonymity" in the journal Television & New Media. As COVID-19 has led to the politicization of masks and the donning of masks, the…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) and Shi-Quan Nettingham, '20 MA Journalism and Media Studies, presented their research, "'Stick to Sports” and Critical Sports Media Industry Studies," at the 72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference in Paris. 
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) presented at the annual Broadcasters Education Association (BEA) conference on a panel titled, "The Metamorphosis of Local Sports Media: Reshaping Local Sports Media in the Sports News and Information Ecosystem." The panel was moderated by Rich Johnson (Creighton University) with other…
Gregory A. Borchard (Journalism and Media Studies) is the editor of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Journalism, which was released by SAGE Publishing in March. According to the publisher's description, the encyclopedia covers all significant dimensions of journalism, such as print, broadcast, and Internet journalism; U.S. and…
Kevin Stoker (Journalism and Media Studies, Communication Studies) recently published "Journalism with the Voice of Authority: The Rise of Interpretive Reporting at The New York Times, 1918-1933" in the academic journal Journalism. The article ties the emergence of interpretive reporting to coverage of Washington, foreign correspondence,…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) presented his work "Kū KiaʻI Kahuku: Indigenizing Social Media and Sociospatial Symmetry" with Tēvita O. Kaʻili at the "Vā Moana: Space And Relationality In Pacific Thought And Identity" conference held Nov. 23-24.
Yvonne Houy (College of Fine Arts) and Julian Kilker (Journalism and Media Studies) presented "Light and Shadow, Trauma and the Arts, Or: Art-Informed Higher Education of the Future" on Nov. 3 at the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities' 2021 Annual Conference.  The audience Q &A and presentation, a recording…
Afsha Bawany (Urban Affairs), Su Kim Chung, Sean Kennedy,Brittani Sterling, and Claytee White (all Libraries), and Jennifer Ream (Journalism and Media Studies), were honored by the Public Relations Society of America's Las Vegas Chapter with a 2021 Pinnacle Award in public service for the “We Need to Talk” educational series.…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies) recently published an article, "Branding Kidfluencers: Regulating Content and Advertising on YouTube" in the journal Television and New Media. The article is co-authored by Gavin Feller (Umeå University, Sweden) and analyzes emerging shifts in YouTube, advertising, and children’s digital media…
Benjamin Burroughs (Journalism and Media Studies), along with journalism and media studies master's student Alain DeSaix and communication studies master's alumnus Joshua Barney published an article titled, "Place, Casinos, and Esports" in the Gaming Law Review. The article considers the importance of physical space and the demarcation of place in…
Benjamin Burroughs (Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies) recently published in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport a manuscript titled "Content analysis of biological sex-specific media coverage of sport: The case of National Collegiate Athletic Association athletic department home webpages." The article was…
Louis Z. Anderson (Journalism & Media Studies) wrote an essay, "On Coming Out...and Coming out..", in USA Today about his varied experience coming out as a gay man to various audiences. This was published in conjunction with the newspaper's acknowledgment of Pride Month. Anderson is an undergraduate student.