Thank-A-Thon 2013
Graduating seniors give a shout-out to the donors who supported their programs.
Graduating seniors give a shout-out to the donors who supported their programs.
UNLV employees recently were honored at the 2013 Academic Recognition Ceremony with systemwide and universitywide awards for notable research, teaching, and service.
UNLV employees recently were honored at the 2013 Academic Achievement Gala for notable research, teaching, and service.
World experts on gambling behavior, online gaming, and technology to convene at 15th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking.
Student inventions include a high-tech blanket that emits cool temperatures, a shelving system that will help wheelchair-bound people reach top kitchen shelves or a machine that automatically roles silverware into napkins.
Donation from gaming industry leader Mark Yoseloff will help students take gaming ideas from the classroom to the casino.
Two UNLV undergraduate student groups awarded $35,000 to help develop business plans
UNLV's Solar Decathlon team begins construction on solar-powered prototype home to compete in U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2013