Janine Barrett poses with her 10-month-old daughter, Makenzie on campus.
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Triple-alum Janine Barrett has worked her way up from student worker to executive director of graduate systems & operations at the Graduate College, but says her most cherished role is that of mother.
Ashton Ridley standing outside UNLV's Greenspun Hall
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Once an intern in public radio, UNLV alum Ashton Ridley is now paying it forward.
Robert Schumann
Arts and Culture |
Join us as UNLV faculty members perform music by Robert & Clara Schumann and Johaness Brahms.
A man in a labcoat leans over various dental instruments.
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UNLV researchers offer a new treatment option for age-related gum disease.
doctor talking to healthcare worker in hallway
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Dr. John Fildes continues the vision for establishing UNLV's academic medical center.
Portrait of Kathy Stanchi
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E.L Cord Professor of Law Kathy Stanchi adds her impressive credentials to Boyd’s top-ranked legal-writing faculty.
Five musicians on stage, holding instruments
Arts and Culture |
Bring a lunch and enjoy conversation with the world-famous Kronos Quartet and Oscar-nominated director Sam Green.
red notebook with white arched UNLV logo
Campus News |
Beginning next fall, program will provide grants to help offset costs of tuition, fees and books to students who qualify.
Ann Vuong sitting in an office.
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A new face at UNLV, this professor brings unique perspective of public health focused on neurodevelopment in children and chemical exposures during pregnancy.
student with red Alternative Breaks backpack facing a rocky ocean coast
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UNLV's Alternative Breaks Program bolsters traditional classroom learning with hands-on experiences, immersing students in the issues facing communities throughout the region.
A woman in a karate gi kicks.
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Amber Williams, a martial artist set to earn her doctorate in psychology at 23, studies stereotypes and breaks them. Here's how she got to UNLV.
Beverly Rogers seated in home library
Arts and Culture |
University Libraries will host a guest lecture, "Victorian Connections and the Evolution of a Book Collector," with Rogers from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 3 at Lied Library.