Apr. 23, 2024


Tomorrow is Denim Day, a global campaign started by Peace Over Violence to raise awareness about sexual violence and support survivors. This campaign originated in Italy in response to a disturbing court ruling and has since become a symbol of solidarity and activism worldwide.

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, I encourage participation by all who are able. Some employees may have uniform requirements or community activities which do not permit participation in Denim Day. Check with your supervisor to better align your participation with support for awareness.

Let’s all remember that it’s not about what we are wearing, but the message we are sharing in solidarity and in support of survivors. Each denim-clad outfit represents a commitment to stand against victim-blaming, to promote consent and respect, and to show our support for survivors.

If you or someone you know needs help, resources are available:

  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
  • UNLV Care Center: 702-895-4475

As an organization that values integrity and respect, please know we do not tolerate behaviors that go against these principles. Any internal concerns or issues regarding inappropriate behavior should be promptly reported.

Together, let’s create a culture where survivors are believed, supported, and empowered.


Marc J. Kahn, MD, MBA
Dean, Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV
Vice President for Health Affairs, UNLV