Offices That Can Help

  • The UNLV Office of Compliance was established to ensure compliance with various state and federal laws (federal regulations and related agency guidance) including but not limited to Title IX, EEO/AA laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The office is charged with all investigations into complaints of discrimination and/or sexual harassment. Call 702-895-4055.

  • The Employee Relations group within Human Resources is available to help employees and supervisors understand avenues to address their issues, complaints or grievances. For administrative faculty, Employee Relations manages the peer review process for evaluation disputes. Call 702-895-5817.

  • The Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) is available to counsel employees and supervisors on the stages and filing of a conduct complaint under Title 2, Chapter 6 of the NSHE Code (“Chapter 6”). Additionally, OFA facilitates the appointment of an ad hoc Administrative Code Officer (ACO), if necessary, and coordinates the disciplinary process in matters that may involve potential sanctions of Chapter 6 suspension, restitution or termination. Call 702-895-3496.

  • The UNLV grievance process and receipt of grievance materials is coordinated by the chair of the Faculty Senate. Additionally, the Chair and Senate staff is available to counsel employees about the grievance process and administrative processes that must be exhausted prior to using the grievance process. Call 702-895-3689.

  • The Ombuds Office offers an independent, neutral, informal, and confidential space for anyone to discuss issues affecting their happiness and effectiveness at UNLV. The Ombuds may help parties reconsider or reframe an issue, may suggest formal avenues of conflict resolution, may bring issues to the attention of campus leadership, or identify opportunities for systemic change.  The office serves all UNLV employees, including classified staff, academic and administrative faculty, LOAs, part-time instructors, and all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. For those unsure of where to seek resolution, this may be a good starting point. Call 702-895-1823.

NAVEX EthicsPoint

EthicsPoint by NAVEX allows you to communicate your concerns both online and through a hotline. Both options allow you to remain anonymous if you so choose. UNLV has partnered with EthicsPoint to manage the reporting system for us. EthicsPoint has gone to great lengths to ensure that reports entered in the system are completely confidential. Please know that when you use the EthicsPoint reporting system, you can report misconduct that you observe or gain clarity on whether or not something is cause for concern.

The information on this page mostly addresses the resolution of formal complaints. If for any reason you do not wish to submit a formal complaint, please use the or call the hotline toll-free at 1-844-665-2938.

UNLV is very interested in resolving complaints in order to create the best possible work environment at UNLV.

Types of Complaints

Complaint Type: Discrimination and Harassment Complaints

UNLV is committed to preventing and eliminating discrimination or harassment as prohibited by state and federal laws including of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. UNLV is committed to eliminating and preventing any form of discrimination or harassment based on age, disability (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy-related conditions), military status or obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race, or religion. Sexual harassment, whether as sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking or coercion, are forms of discrimination and are illegal.

Where To File

File with your supervisor, the Office of Compliance, or with any Title IX Deputy Coordinator.

What Happens Once You File

Filing with either your supervisor or one of the staff designated to receive your complaint begins a defined process, which is outlined in the . The UNLV Office of Compliance manages each investigation and ultimately recommends a disciplinary action. Management is responsible for the implementation of any warranted discipline or other appropriate actions to correct problems or remedy effects caused by the conduct.

Complaint Type: Prohibited Activities

of the NSHE Code enumerates conduct which is “prohibited for all members of the faculty” (including academic and administrative faculty). Examples of prohibited conduct and activities include, but are not limited to, failure to perform the duties for which the faculty member is employed, incompetence or inefficiency, insubordination, dishonesty, unauthorized absence from duty or abuse of leave privileges, threats of violence, unlawful discrimination, unwelcome sexual advances, academic dishonesty, and inability or incapacity to perform duties due to mental or physical reasons.

Where To File

Prohibited activities should, primarily, be reported to and addressed by the supervisor. If the supervisor is the one accused of committing the infraction, or if for any other reason, the infraction cannot be reported to the supervisor report the conduct to the vice president, dean or director for that area.

What Happens Once You File

Vice presidents, deans, directors and equivalent position holder can issue disciplinary reprimands or warnings to administrative and academic faculty members under procedures stated in . If suspension, restitution or termination is a potential sanction, an Administrative Code Officer (ACO) must be assigned to investigate the situation. The ACO would act in coordination with the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. The appointment of an ACO is done on a case-by-case assessment.

Complaint Type: Adverse Personnel Actions

Chapter 5 of the NSHE Code provides each academic and administrative faculty with rights, procedures and timelines in which to redress adverse personnel actions. The definition of “adverse personnel actions” include, but are not necessarily limited to, denial of a salary increase, denial of merit or disagreement with the amount of merit awarded, denial of promotion, nonreappointment and termination.

Where To File

Available administrative remedies include making a timely written request of reasons for any adverse personnel action and subsequent timely request for reconsideration. These requests would be filed with your supervisor. If you are not satisfied with the reason and/or reconsideration result, you can file a grievance through the Faculty Senate, in most cases.

What Happens Once You File

Your supervisor and the administrators above your supervisor are required to act within defined timeframes as outlined in Chapter 5 of the NSHE Code. Steps to be exhausted prior to filing a grievance include (1) filing a request for a statement of the reasons for the adverse personnel action with the supervisor, then after receipt of the reason (2) filing a request for reconsideration. If you find the reconsideration result unacceptable, then a grievance can be filed, in most cases.

Disclaimer: This condensed information guide is intended to explain in a straightforward manner the processes you should follow if you think you have grounds for any of the actions described.

This is a guidance document only and should not be relied upon exclusively. The guide should be read along with the relevant section of the NSHE Code, NSHE Handbook and/or UNLV Bylaws.