Official university names are trade names that communicate the university's image and reputation to the public. To ensure that trade names are used appropriately and in alignment with institutional goals, the university has established guidelines concerning the use of the domain name (see also UNLV DNS Registration Policy).

Campus units or entities that meet the criteria below may apply for a third-level domain name, such as Units/entities that do not qualify for a third-level domain name may still be eligible for a shorter name or address, such as or (see definitions).

The following units/entities are eligible to request a third-level domain name:

  • Academic units (colleges, schools, departments)
  • Administrative units
  • Institutes and centers
  • Nonstudent organizations (e.g., Faculty Senate)
  • University-wide campaigns (Capital Campaign, RebelConnection)
  • Marketing initiatives (Rebelmail, Campus Tours, Maps)

The following units/entities are not eligible to request a third-level name:

  • Academic programs
  • Student organizations
  • Research projects, labs, and seminars
  • Service support systems (e.g., database, backup, and logging servers)
  • Enterprise applications
  • Individuals (e.g.,
  • Units requesting additional web addresses to work around websites that are poorly designed. This issue should be resolved by redesigning the website to correct problems with site structure and navigation.
  • Units requesting web addresses to work around typographical errors made in URLs that appear in marketing or advertising materials (e.g.

Requests for third-level domain names must meet the following guidelines:

  • Names must consist of the format
  • One name will be allowed per eligible unit or entity (e.g., or, but not both).
  • Names should reasonably reflect the nature or purpose of the website (e.g.,
  • Names must consist of two or more letters (e.g., is not acceptable).

Some entities that do not meet the criteria for a third-level domain name may still be eligible for an alternative name/address. Addresses for these sites should reflect their affiliation with an academic or administrative unit.

Those allowed an alternative name/address include:

  • Academic programs
  • Research projects, labs, and seminars
  • Service support systems (e.g., database, backup, and logging servers)
  • Enterprise applications

Examples include:


To request an alternative URL such as those listed above, contact the IT Help Desk at x50777 or

Exceptions for third-level names within the domain may be allowed only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The proposed name is not likely to be confused with a UNLV department or unit.
  • The proposed name will be used by many people from many different organizations either within or outside the university. (Example:, which is the university's official method for communicating with students via email)
  • The proposed name is the name of a service and not the name of a department or other organizational unit. (Example:, which encompasses a variety of services offered at the beginning of each semester and which involves participation by the entire university community)
  • The proposed name is for a university-wide service or institutional initiative that is not easily identified with a single department or unit, or it is for a service that is being offered primarily to people or groups that are outside the university and who are not likely to be familiar with the details of the university's internal organizational structure. (Examples:,
  • The proposed name is not now, and is not likely to become, ambiguous if it is used without other department or unit qualification. (Example:
  • The proposed name is not likely to be the subject of frequent changes that would be better dealt with at the department/unit level. (Example:
  • The placement of the proposed name as a third-level domain name within has the approval of the unit administrator of the school, college, institute, or unit to which the name would otherwise be associated.

To request a third-level domain name, fourth-level domain name, or alternative URL, contact the . Please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Details about what service(s) this is for (e.g., "a web server that will be host the geoscience department website," rather than a vague description such as "a web server").
  • Target audience (e.g., UNLV faculty and staff, the media, the public at large, professors within the education college, etc.)
  • Principal technical person responsible for the service. (Provide name, phone number, and email.)
  • If requester is not a UNLV employee, name of the UNLV employee sponsoring the service. (Provide sponsor's name, phone number, and email.)
  • IP address for the service.

Departments/entities whose requests are not approved can appeal by completing this online form. Appeals will be referred to the offices of University Communications and Information Technology for review.

Third-level Domain Name: These names consist of a single word placed before the part of the domain name. Examples include or

Fourth-level Domain Name: These names reflect their affiliation with an academic or administrative unit, such as or

Alternative URL: These addresses fall under an existing third-level domain name. For example: or