The following rules and regulations govern the parking of vehicles on the campus of the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ in accordance with the provisions of NRS 396.110. Nevada State law and Clark County Codes governing the movement, operation, and parking of motor vehicles shall apply on University property. The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education has further delegated the responsibility to establish, approve, and enforce parking and traffic regulations to the President of each institution (BOR Handbook Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 11). These regulations and laws are enforceable 24 hours per day throughout the calendar year.


Parking & Transportation Services
Box 452035
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2035
895-1300 / Fax: 895-4951

Office Hours: 7 a.m.–5p.m. Monday through Friday

Campus Location: Parking Services is located in the Claude I Howard Public Safety Building, two buildings to the west of Lied Library on Harmon Avenue.

These rules and regulations have been formulated and approved to best utilize roadways and parking areas for the benefit of Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ students, faculty, staff, and visitors; to ensure access at all times for ambulances and firefighting equipment; and to attempt to protect all persons on the campus from injury by vehicles. The operation of a motor vehicle or bicycle on the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ (UNLV) property is a privilege granted by the University and is not an inherent right of any student, faculty, staff member, or visitor and can be denied or revoked for cause at any time. The University recognizes that the automobile is often necessary for transportation to and from campus and attempts to provide parking spaces for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

  1. Vehicle Control Established. No motor vehicle or bicycle shall be operated, parked, or otherwise used on the campus except in strict conformity with these Parking Regulations established and published by the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­. The term “University Campus" or the word "campus," as used in these regulations, shall be construed to include all property under the supervision of the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­. Fees will be charged for parking on Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ property as approved by the university president or designee.
  2. Campus Enforcement Agencies. University Police as well as the Parking and Transportation Services Department are authorized to enforce these Parking Regulations. The University Police, however, have the additional duty to enforce Federal, State, and County laws on all Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ property, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 396.325. Control of the movement of vehicles on campus is the responsibility of the University Police. The University Police shall report to the President of the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ or his / her designate. Parking Services Department shall report to the President of the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ or his/her designee.
  3. Handicap Parking. Persons requiring parking on campus covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must have a valid State issued handicap license plate or placard issued by the Nevada State Department of Motor Vehicles. Placards must be displayed at all times.

    All individuals with state-issued handicap privileges must also purchase a UNLV virtual handicap parking permit, a UNLV short-term handicap parking permit, or purchase the proper amount of time using the PayByPhone Application. This requirement increases the availability of accessible parking spaces and significantly helps curb the abuse of these spaces.

    To purchase these permits, the driver must present their current placard along with the letter received at the time of issuance and a form of identification when registering their vehicle at Parking and Transportation Services. The cost depends on the driver’s status (faculty, staff, or student).

    Visitors utilizing handicap parking spaces must purchase the proper amount of time using the PayByPhone application. PayByPhone location codes are posted on the signs in front of the accessible space.

    The registered owner of the handicap plate or placard must be in the vehicle when it is being parked. If another person is driving the vehicle and drops the placard owner off at his or her destination and then proceeds to park in a handicapped space, the vehicle will be booted and the driver will be issued a $250 citation. Students found parked illegally in a handicapped space will also be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action. If your vehicle does not have a handicapped license plate, the portable handicapped tag issued by the state must be displayed on the rearview mirror or on the vehicle dashboard, face up so the permit may be easily viewed by any enforcement officers. Handicap permits must be used in accordance with NRS

  4. Visitors. Visitors to the campus need not have vehicles registered with Parking and Transportation Services of the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­, but they must use properly marked visitor parking spaces. Visitors also have the option of purchasing a permit for student parking through the PayByPhone Application or over the counter at the Parking Office. Members of the Board of Regents, advisory bodies, unpaid volunteers and others providing donated service to the University may be issued an appropriate permit with the approval of the Parking and Transportation Services.
  5. University Parking Advisory Committee. The Parking Advisory Committee at the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ may recommend policies and regulations governing parking on the campus and work in conjunction with the University Police in maintaining vehicle order and safety. The Committee shall report to and be appointed/approved by the President or his/her designee. Faculty, professional staff, classified staff, and students shall be represented. The Committee shall meet regularly during the academic year, and written minutes shall be kept of all meetings. A simple majority of the members of the committee in attendance constitutes a quorum, and approval of a majority of those present shall be necessary for adoption of any recommendation. The chair is a voting member of the Committee. The Committee shall appoint a secretary and consultants as needed. The Director of Parking Services or his/her designee will attend all meetings, but will not serve as a voting member. You may view and download the Operating Guidelines of the Parking Advisory Committee in PDF form.

  6. Parking Permits. All areas and facilities, paved as well as non-paved, in the University parking system will be designated. Permits issued for parking privileges will, according to its coding, indicate the nature of the parking privileges permitted to the holder. The Parking and Transportation Services Department, after consultation with the Parking Advisory Committee, shall establish, by regulation, various classifications of parking permits with approval of the President or designee. Parking and Transportation Services utilizes a virtual parking permit system for semester or longer permits. The system uses license plate recognition (LPR) technology to automatically connect license plates to permits. License plate information must be accurate to be valid. All vehicles must have a license plate facing the drive aisle for the LPR system to identify the plate. Failure to do so without proper approval can result in a violation.

    Permits remain University property and can be reclaimed by the Parking and Transportation Services Department or the University Police, if an individual's privilege to park or operate a vehicle on campus has been revoked or modified. Any person driving a vehicle with a UNLV permit shall park properly. The individual is responsible for all citations written on a vehicle registered to the person or registered under that person's permit. Each faculty, staff, or student may apply for and purchase ONE permit, allowing one vehicle to be parked on campus at a time. Each vehicle parked on campus must have a valid permit or have paid the appropriate pay space fee. The Parking and Transportation Services Department shall, after consultation with the Parking Advisory Committee, classify the various types of parking permits available for use on campus provided herein, or hereafter from time to time as it may deem suitable and proper and as approved by the President or his/ her designate. These types shall include but not be limited to:

    1. Faculty/Staff
    2. Student
    3. Reserved
    4. Vendor
    5. Visitor
    6. Resident
    7. Motorcycle
  7. Parking Zones Established. The Parking and Transport at ion Services Department shall, after consultation with the Parking Advisory Committee, classify the parking areas on campus into various zones provided herein, or hereafter from time to time as it may deem suitable and proper and as approved by the President or his/ her designate. Vehicles shall be parked only in designated parking areas. Parking zones shall include, but not be limited to:

    1. Faculty/Staff
    2. Visitor/Pay Space
    3. Reserved
    4. Handicap
    5. Resident
    6. Loading Zones
    7. No parking zones
    8. Construction zones
    9. Fire lanes
    10. Motorcycle

    The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Inability to locate a legal space in a parking lot or area does not justify incorrect parking.

  8. Bicycles. Bicycles used on campus must be ridden and parked with due regard for the safety of pedestrians. Bicycle racks must be used. In no event may bicycles and vehicles be parked or driven on pedestrian ramps to buildings or in buildings.
  9. Motorcycles and Mopeds. Motorcycles and mopeds must be parked in areas designated for them and may not occupy automobile parking spaces. Motorcycles must have a valid permit at the time of parking and shall not be operated on campus sidewalks or walkways.
  10. Construction or Service Vehicles. Construction or service vehicles must have a valid University vendor permit. Such vehicles will be restricted from the campus sidewalks and walkways, unless otherwise permitted in writing. Contractors working on specific projects established through Planning and Construction must have contractor permits and are restricted to parking in the lot north of the Campus Services Building on the west side of the lot.
  11. Media Vehicles. Persons operating media vehicles must obtain a permit from the University Parking and Transportation Services Department to travel on campus sidewalks or walkways and are subject to the same restrictions as any other vehicle, in terms of hours of use and access routes.
  12. Regulations in Effect. These Parking Regulations for the Ê×Ò³| Â鶹´«Ã½Ó³»­ shall become effective upon approval by the President of the University. Fees will be set and/or changed as approved by the University President. The President, prior to enforcement, must approve changes to these regulations.

  1. Intersections. No vehicle shall be parked within twenty {20} feet of an intersection or any paved or unpaved roadway on the University campus.
  2. Crosswalks. No vehicle shall be parked on any marked or otherwise indicated crosswalk on the University campus.
  3. Sidewalks. No vehicle shall be parked on any paved or unpaved sidewalk without written permission.
  4. Lawns. No vehicle shall be parked on any lawns or planted area on the University campus without written permission.
  5. Fire Hydrants. No vehicle shall be parked within fifteen (15) feet of any fire hydrant or fire alarm box on the University campus.
  6. Driveways. No vehicle shall obstruct, or be parked in or across any driveway, whether paved or unpaved, on the University campus .
  7. Excavations. No vehicle shall be parked to interfere with or impede the movement of construction equipment or be parked in construction areas without proper permits.
  8. Double Parking. No vehicle shall be parked or allowed to stand upon a street or other traveled way on the roadway side of another vehicle which is lawfully parked at the curb of said street or traveled way.
  9. Obstruction of Traffic. No vehicle shall be parked in a lane of traffic so as to obstruct such traffic, nor shall any other action be taken which will impede the smooth and steady flow of traffic.
  10. Entrances to Buildings. No vehicle shall be parked in a manner so as to block the entrance to any building or so as to impede the easy access to such building for emergency, handicap, and service vehicles.
  11. Large Vehicles and Campers. Vehicles more than twenty-one (21) feet in length may be required to park in areas especially designated by the Parking and Transportation Services Department. It shall be the responsibility of the driver of such a vehicle to contact Parking and Transportation Services for parking instructions prior to arrival on campus.
  12. Parallel Parking. No vehicle shall be parked on the campus on a roadway other than parallel with the edge of the roadway, headed in the direction of traffic, except in those areas which are specifically marked otherwise.
  13. Parking Across Markers/Line Straddling. No vehicle shall be parked in such a manner that it is on or overlaps any parking lines which are marked on the surface of the parking lots or designated areas, or any street to roadway.
  14. No-Parking Zone. No vehicle shall be parked in an area which has been designated as a no parking or stopping area. All areas not specifically marked for parking are no parking zones. These include red zones and fire hydrants, as well as any other means of parking a vehicle which causes damage to University property, obstructs traffic, or creates a safety hazard.
  15. Unattended Vehicles. No vehicle shall be parked with the motor running, without the brakes set, or on a hill without the wheels turned toward the curb.
  16. Unauthorized Parking. No person shall park or otherwise use a motor vehicle on the University campus without having a valid permit. Nor shall any person park a vehicle in any zone other than that currently assigned to that vehicle, except as herein before specified.
  17. Visitor/Pay Space Parking. The University may place pay spaces in any area for the purpose of controlling short-term parking as limited by time posted to PayByPhone. When parking at a Visitor/Pay Space for any purpose, adequate time must be purchased on the PayByPhone application prior to leaving your vehicle.
  18. Garage Parking. No customer arriving in a vehicle or in the garage as a pedestrian is allowed to tailgate in the facility. This would refer to anyone taking up a space(s) for tables, seating, heating food in any manner, or consuming alcohol. These are all infractions monitored by the University Police Services Department and are not permitted due to space and safety reasons.
  19. Plate Not Visible. All vehicles must have a license plate facing the drive aisle. Failure to do so without proper approval or back in decal can result in a violation.
  20. Vehicle Not Charging: Individuals may not park a vehicle in a designated Electric Vehicle (EV) charging space in any fashion unless it is an EV that is actively charging.
  21. Improper Crossing of Cords: Vehicles must use the Electric Vehicle (EV) charging cord specifically assigned to their respective parking space. No vehicle shall be parked in a manner that obstructs or crosses the path of the EV charging cords.

  1. Citations for Violations.
    1. Violations of the university parking regulations. Parking and Transportation Services and University Police are authorized to issue citations to persons or vehicles found to be in violation of these Parking Regulations. Upon accumulating fines exceeding $50.00, the vehicle's and operator's parking permit is subject to suspension if found parked on University property and use privileges withheld until such time as the fees or other charges for all outstanding citations have been paid as provided in Section 3.2.
    2. Lost, stolen, and counterfeit permits. Anyone found in possession of a lost, stolen or counterfeit permit will have the permit confiscated, issued fines totaling $200 to $500, and have their name forwarded for disciplinary action.
  2. Fees and Other Charges for Citations.
    1. Citations issued for any violation of these Parking Regulations will have a fee approved by the President and shall be payable within thirty (30} calendar days.
    2. Any citation fee not paid within thirty (30) calendar days is considered delinquent and the fee shall become automatically doubled.
    3. Administrative procedures shall be established by the appropriate authorities to collect outstanding fees. Any costs incurred by appropriate authorities in the collection of delinquent fees or fines will be added to the  amount to be collected.
    4. Violators will be subject to towing charges assessed by the firm authorized to tow or impound vehicles.
  3. Impounding Vehicles. Any vehicle of any kind or description whatsoever found parked at a place or in a manner prohibited or declared to be in violation of these regulations is hereby declared to constitute a nuisance, and may be impounded by the Parking and Transportation Services Department or the University Police. This vehicle shall only be surrendered to the duly identified owner or the duly authorized agent of such owner, upon payment of the necessary traffic citation fees, towing and storage charges.
  4. Penalties for Violations. Any student, employee, or visitor who shall use or park any vehicle on the University campus without a valid official permit, or who shall use or park such a vehicle other than in strict compliance with these Parking Regulations, shall be considered in violation thereof and shall be subject to all fees and procedures herein enumerated.

    Upon accumulating $50.00 or more in unpaid fines, the operator/ registered owner is subject to being expelled from parking on campus until all back citations are paid. Any expelled vehicle found on campus will be cited for illegal parking and subject to mechanical immobilization by use of a wheel boot, or towed at the owner’s expense without notice.

    Type of Violation Fine
    Improper Display of Permit $10
    Visitor/PaySpace Violation $20
    Parked in Improper Zone $20
    Timed Zone $20
    Line Straddling $20
    Double Parking $20
    Blocking Sidewalk $50
    Parked on Sidewalk w/o Permit $50
    Parked on Lawn or Plant Area $50
    Red Zone $60
    Obstructing Traffic $50
    Misuse of Permit $50
    Designated No-Parking Area $50
    Non-designated No-Parking Area $20
    Reserved Parking $60
    Lack of Permit $50
    Possession of Stolen/Lost Permit $200
    Towing $75
    Parking Privileges Suspended $50
    Fire Hydrant/Fire Lane $100
    Handicapped $250
    Counterfeiting or Copying Permit $500
    Boot Tampering Fee $200
    Boot Fee $60
    EPA Parking $20
    Faculty Parking $20
    Student Parking $20
    Motorcycle Parking $20
    Patient Parking $20
    Preschool Parking $20
    Resident Reserved Parking $60
    Thomas and Mack VIP Parking $20
    Vendor Parking $20
    License Plate Not Visible $10
    Citations and Associated Fines
  5. Appeal. Any citation issued or any fee charged which is not delinquent may be appealed in writing, on an official appeal form or , but only after a deposit equal to the citation fee or other charge has been made. The appeal will then be scheduled for review.

    If the appeal is granted, the deposit will automatically be refunded to the depositor. If the appeal is denied, the deposit will automatically be used to pay the fine. Failure to make a timely appeal waives the right of appeal. Appeals must be made within thirty (30) calendar days from date of citation. No delinquent citation or fee will be considered for appeal.

    If your vehicle is booted or towed, contact the Parking and Transportation Services (702-895- 1300). If the vehicle has been booted, the outstanding fees must be paid before the boot will be removed. If your vehicle has been towed, the outstanding fees must be paid before an authorization form to release a vehicle is given. If you have any questions concerning parking, contact the Parking and Transportation Services Department. For questions outside of our business hours contact the University Police Dispatch office at 702-895-3668.