Accomplishments: College of Education

Three UNLV graduate students recently received a national Love of Learning Award from The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. They are among 100 award recipients nationwide. Erick López, a doctoral student in sociology, will use funds from the award to travel to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to attend a research methods training titled "Health…
Kathy Ewoldt, Heike Rüdenauer, and Kristin Withey (all Educational and Clinical Studies) presented at the 30th annual Textbook and Academic Authoring Conference in Providence, Rhode Island, last week. The doctoral students chronicled their transition from consumers to authors of scholarly writing in their presentation, "Becoming an Academic Author…
Howard Gordon (Teaching and Learning) and Samantha Godbey (University Libraries) are co-editors of the Journal of Research in Technical Careers, a new peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by the department of teaching and learning and hosted by UNLV Libraries. The journal published its inaugural issue in May.
John Mercer, Janet Dufek, James Navalta, Aaron Prado (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Nancy Lough (Educational Psychology) co-authored “A First Look into the Influence of Triathlon Wetsuit on Resting Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability.” The article, which reported little to no wetsuit influence, published in the March issue of…
Alain Bengochea (Educational & Clinical Studies) has recently published a peer-reviewed article in Reading Research Quarterly titled "Maternal Inferential Input and Children's Language Skills" in which he and his co-authors explored the levels of abstraction and utterance functions in mother-child interactions during shared…
Nancy Lough, James Hines (both Educational Psychology and Higher Education), and Margo Malik (Athletics) participated in the Sport and Recreation Law Association's 30th annual conference in Las Vegas this month. Lough, the invited keynote speaker, titled her talk, "If We Build It, Will They Come? Considering 30 Years of Sport Law and Policy."…
Chris Wood (Educational & Clinical Studies) has been awarded the prestigious American Counseling Association (ACA) Fellow Award. This honor is presented to less than 1 percent of the more than 56,000 ACA members. The ACA Fellow distinction is bestowed upon members of professional distinction who have been recognized for significant and unique…
The Multicultural Educational Services Alliance (MESA) Team (Education) was chosen from more than 90 applicants as a focus project at the national Teach to Lead Summit held in Washington, D.C., last month. The annual teacher preparation summit seeks to spotlight and advance groundbreaking research and work happening in states, districts, and…
Matt Bernacki (Educational Psychology and Higher Education) and Cam Johnson (Office of Information Technology) headed a research team of UNLV staff and students that has won a 2016 Splunk Public Sector Innovation Award. The group received the Mission Award for Education during the Splunk GovSummit Conference in Washington, D.C., last month. The…
Danica G. Hays (Education) recently co-authored Standards for Multicultural Research for the counseling discipline. These guidelines are an output of her work on the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC) Diversity Committee; AARC is a division of the American Counseling Association. The guidelines are intended to promote…
Dana Bickmore (Educational Psychology & Higher Education) and colleagues Patti Kinney (Kinney Consulting) and Nancy Flowers (University of Illinois) were invited by the American Middle Level Education Association (AMLE) to speak at its annual conference in Austin, Texas.  The title of the presentation was The Effective Middle Grade…
Cassandra Boyer, Jorge Adrian Castrejon, Jessica Nave-Blodgett, Andrew Ortiz, and Karl Wennerlind have been chosen to receive the fall 2016 Southwest Travel Awards. They were selected from among 150 student applicants. Recipients of the awards receive a round-trip travel voucher from Southwest Airlines to allow them to travel to a conference or…