News: Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education

Brittnie Watkins
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Brittnie Watkins excels at keeping multiple balls in the air as she earns four UNLV degrees, mothers two, and fulfills a state Supreme Court clerkship.

four portraits
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Our Alumni of the Year tell us what the learned when they faced a (fake) fire, a blank canvas, a dreaded phone call, and a mother's mortality.

illustration of an apple that says unlv. clouds surrounding it says english, math, and special education. a magifying glass is placed above the apple and it says research.
Business and Community |

Clark County School District is ground zero for the issues rumbling in schools across the country. Here's how UNLV is linking research and outreach programs to help find solutions.

Cover of Ad Week magazine featuring Kim Kardashian holding a pair of pixelated sun glasses
Arts and Culture |

Thursday's University Forum lecture dives into artistic integrity and social media. Join the discussion with local arts group leaders on the DIY social movement, edupunks, and the fine line between Kim Kardashian and Radiohead.

Boyd Law School building
Campus News |

University’s top ranked graduate/specialty programs include Boyd Law School’s legal writing program at No. 3, dispute resolution at No. 9.

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The educational psychologist on keeping kids with behavioral disorders out of the special education classroom, her proudest moment, and the inspiration of Olympian Gabby Douglas.

Wall of awards
Arts and Culture |

UNLV employees recently were honored at the 2012 Academic Recognition Ceremony with systemwide and universitywide awards for notable research, teaching, and service.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |

Programs in the UNLV College of Education and William S. Boyd School of Law have earned rankings from the annual national survey of universities.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |
Religious objections, students who think they know the facts, and that troublesome word 'theory' make teaching evolution tough. A trio of researchers is moving beyond the controversy to better understand how students learn complex concepts in science.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Research |

UNLV’s nationally recognized department of educational psychology, housed within the College of Education, has made remarkable strides recently