In The News: Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education


Kayla McBride is not trying to be LeBron James.

Comstock's Magazine

The NCAA says no, but California may say yes

Capital Public Radio

Hayley Hodson’s volleyball career took off when she was still in high school, with an invitation to compete on the U.S. Women’s National Team.

Education Dive

Mark Janus celebrated the one-year anniversary of his victory before the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday by joining educators and others working to inform public employees that they can opt out of their unions.

Education Week

Despite a stinging defeat from the U.S. Supreme Court last summer, teachers’ unions have not seen the mass exodus of teachers that both they and others predicted.

Modern Wellness Guide

At the 2019 NCAA Women’s Final Four, Notre Dame head coach Muffet McGraw created quite a stir when she boldly stated she was done hiring men. To some this may sound discriminatory or even sexist, but Coach McGraw was quick to share the evidence showing women bear the burden of discrimination in sport.


The CEO who climbed ladder to the top in a male-dominated profession believes millennials are crucial in increasing the fan base and the bottom line for the WNBA.

The Holmes Report

Nearly half of all women across the Americas, Europe and Asia say they are interested or very interested in sports, according to Nielsen’s latest Women and Sport Report. But according to Samantha Baier and Sade Ayodele, co-leaders of the Digital Sports Group at Taylor, brands are slow to realize the marketing opportunity this offers.

Education Dive

Images of red-clad educators filling city streets and crowding into state capitals over the past year have displayed a unified effort among affiliates of the nation's two teachers unions to demand higher salaries and more funding for schools.

The Hechinger Report

In 2014, the Obama Administration jolted the education world with a report detailing unfair and racist school discipline practices across the country. Sixteen percent of all black students were being suspended, more than three times the rate of white students. Even preschoolers were being suspended at alarming rates. Other scholars produced research showing that the kind of zero-tolerance discipline then in vogue was hurting students’ long-term academic prospects and feeding the school-to-prison pipeline.

YES! Magazine

A recent federal report shows boys, black students, and students with disabilities get kicked out of school at higher rates than their peers.

Breanna Stewart, the WNBA’s reigning most valuable player, will miss the entire 2019 season due to a ruptured right Achilles tendon. Her injury is exposing the league’s own Achilles heel: pathetically low salaries that force stars like Stewart to play overseas for the money.