In The News: College of Fine Arts


May 1 is World Labyrinth Day, and before you quip it — why, yes, every day is a labyrinthine maze of disorienting pathways, false turns, and elaborate hoaxing mojo; sometimes there’s even a monster in the middle. But, as it happens, Labyrinth Day, and labyrinths themselves, propose themselves as a solvent for those anxieties. Walking through an elaborate, 11-course unicursal pathway in quiet reflection just might squelch your brain’s frantic yapping, at least for a while. Especially if there are a bunch of other people doing it beside you! The San Martin campus of the St. Rose Dominican hospital system — owner of a fine labyrinth — will host a noon walking event, though you can presumably celebrate on your own at one of the valley’s many labyrinths (including the one at St. Andrew Catholic Community Church, pictured right).


In 2015, social media exploded with the hashtag "Oscars so white." Many demanded more diversity in award shows and, in 2021, progress is being made.


As we wait to see who will take home the Oscar for best picture, students at UNLV are hoping to be future filmmakers.


As we wait to see who will take home the Oscar for best picture, students at UNLV are hoping to be future filmmakers.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A UNLV team took third place in a U.S. Department of Energy challenge to design and build a home powered by solar energy.


One team at the Solar Decathlon this year was particularly focused on a very important community - those military veterans returning home from wartime trauma with symptoms of PTSD. Nevada is reported to have 200,o00 veterans living in the State, making their project particularly relevant. The University of Las Vegas’ Mojave Bloom provides “a healing oasis in the middle of the harsh Mojave Desert through a calculated polyphony of sensory experiences.”

Fast Company

The winners of the 2021 Solar Decathlon Build Challenge show how to build energy-efficient housing in extreme climates—the kinds of conditions climate change will only make more prevalent.

Las Vegas Review Journal

A UNLV team took third place in a U.S. Department of Energy challenge to design and build a home powered by solar energy.

pv magazine

A student team from the University of Colorado-Boulder won the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon Build Challenge.


The UNLV team took home third place in the Solar Decathalon, the US Secretary of Energy announced on April 18 during a virtual ceremony.


UNLV Solar Decathlon team to learn results of international competition as they came in 3rd place.

Pahrump Valley Times

UNLV students were racing to put the finishing touches on Mojave Bloom, a 628-square-foot home they’ve built from scratch for the U.S. Department of Energy’s international 2020 Solar Decathlon Build Challenge. The biennial contest challenges colleges worldwide to design, construct and operate homes powered by renewable energy.