Accomplishments: College of Fine Arts

Dale Melgaard (Film) received a notice of "Official Selection" for the short script, The Phatman, at the Sittannavasal International Film Festival.
Dale Melgaard (Film) recently received the Best Short Script Award at the Roshani International Film Festival.
Dak Kopec (Architecture) published the 4th of edition of his authored work, Environmental Psychology for Design. The book explores questions with an in-depth look at psychosocial responses to the built environment. Awarded the 2006 ASID Joel Polsky Prize, the first edition served as an introduction to the discipline of environmental…
Amy Brown (Music) was a featured presenter for the Professional Learning Network Series, Back to School: Classroom Management Tips and Tricks, hosted by the American Orff Schulwerk Association. The presentation, "Proactive Management: Preparing Instead of Reacting," covered planning, rapport, and engagement for elementary music specialists as they…
Two years after the release of his debut novel, Broken Boys Beyond Friendship, Dak Kopec (Architecture) unveiled his second work, Logan's Legacy Beyond Blood. Continuing his commitment to exploring social equity amid societal, governmental, and judicial prejudices, this novel brings to the forefront the challenges and discrimination many…
May May Luong (Film) presented at the 78th Annual University Film and Video Association Conference in Cleveland, Ohio on July 31, 2024, on the topic, "University and Youth Collaborations in Storytelling: Young Filmmakers’ Workshops."  
Adam Paul (Film) presented a paper at the 78th Annual University Film and Video Association Conference in Cleveland, Ohio on July 31 entitled "The Disembodied Actor: Exploring the Craft of Screen Acting in an Era of Artificial Intelligence and Realistic Performance Capture."
Susanna Phillips Newbury (Art) has been appointed to a three-year term as juror for the College Art Association's Millard Meiss Publication fund. CAA awards Meiss funds twice a year to support the publication of book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of art, visual studies, and related subjects that have been accepted by a publisher on…
Dale Melgaard (Film) has received an "Official Selection" to the Roshani International Film Festival for an original short script, The Phatman.
Professor Stephen Caplan (Music) performed a recital at the conference of the International Double Reed Society (IDRS) in Flagstaff, Arizona. The recital featured chamber music of Viet Cuong, performed with students from UNLV's double reed studio. Viet Cuong is an assistant professor of composition at UNLV. Caplan also presented an "UnMasterClass…
Jerry Schefcik (Art), chair of the Nevada Arts Council Board, chaired the board review and approval of a total of $533,676 in grant funds to be awarded to various arts organizations and artists statewide. Approved grants include project grants for artists, organizations, and arts learning projects in support of a range of arts activities such as…
Professor Stephen Caplan (Music) recently had a second, revised edition of his authored work, The Breathing Book for Oboe, published by Mountain Peak Music.