News: School of Integrated Health Sciences

closeup of a runner's shoes
Business and Community |

UNLV experts provide tips and tricks for your dinner, workout routine.

UNLV pole banner with tree in background
Campus News |

U.S. News & World Report’s annual list of top graduate and professional schools ranks 22 UNLV programs within nation’s top 100 in their field.

Students work computers at Black Fire Innovation
Campus News |

A collection of news stories capturing the excitement and accomplishments of UNLV at the start of a new decade.

Students in red shirts walking outside on campus
Business and Community |

A collection of news stories from 2019 highlighting UNLV's impact in Southern Nevada and beyond.

UNLV professor Matthew Lachniet works in his lab on campus.
People |

A collection of stories highlighting UNLV faculty and students who made the news in 2019.

A portrait of Jefferson Kinney in front of a brain scan.
Research |

UNLV’s new Department of Brain Health leads interdisciplinary effort to answer tough questions about traumatic brain injury.

man in doctor's coat
Research |

Expanding research activity results in multiple grants and publications.

A woman sits at a desk in a dark room
Campus News |

MGM College Opportunity Program at UNLV offers a flexible and affordable way for the company's employees to complete their degrees.

Thessa Hilgenkamp, performing an ultrasound.
People |

The first NIH-funded project at UNLV for this physical therapy professor will focus on people with Down Syndrome.

a close-up of someone lifting weights
Research |

UNLV researchers monitored the motion of the thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and knee as part of the testing process.

A woman in a sweater leans against a tree.
People |

School of Integrated Health Sciences Alumna of the Year Anne Lindsay focuses on nutrition, obesity, and eating disorders among women and children.

A man in a labcoat is reflected in nearby glass.
Campus News |

Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health neurologist Dr. Jeffrey Cummings joins UNLV to help launch new program that will be crucial for an aging state population.