In The News: College of Liberal Arts

City Cast Las Vegas

Earlier this month, Clark County Commission Chairman Tick Segerblom commented on Twitter that the county should change its name to “Las Vegas County,” doubling down on this in a later interview with the Review-Journal. So is Commish Tick right? How does the rocky history of contention between the county and the city of Las Vegas play into Segerblom’s proposal, and who was this Clark fella, anyhow? Today, co-hosts Sarah Lohman and Dayvid Figler sit down with UNLV professor of history Michael Green to discuss.

Cool Stuff Ride Home

You know the old age: Time flies when you're having fun? Well, a recent brain study could lend some credence to the old proverb. 


Many people think that the brain is synchronized with the clock on their electronic devices, that it counts down the time from second to second. But new research shows that this is not true at all. If nothing happens, the brain's time stands still.


Sometimes it seems to fly by, and other times it seems to drag on forever. Recent research by scientists from the ҳ| 鶹ýӳ (UNLV) has shed light on how exactly our brain perceives this mysterious concept of time. According to the data published in the journal Current Biology, our perception of time is much more complex than we could imagine.


President Joe Biden is out of the race for president. Vice President Kamala Harris is the presumptive candidate. And of course, the mudslinging has begun. Former President Donald Trump calls Harris a "fake candidate." Experts say there could be be legal challenges to the $250 million campaign war chest collected on behalf of Biden.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Hey, you’ve got to hide your tapes away. For a time in the mid-2000s, The Mirage housed the most famous music catalog in history and hardly anyone knew. The Beatles’ master tapes were reportedly kept in tightly guarded vault backstage at Love Theater, during the early days of “Love” at the hotel. Word of the history of these tapes made the rounds as the show closed July 7, and the hotel itself shut down July 17. Cirque PR rep Ann Paladie has not verified the history of the tapes related to the production.

Nevada Independent

The words, handwritten on signs, flashed passing cars. “WASHOE COUNTY ELECTION FRAUD CENTRAL” “WE DEMAND HAND RECOUNT NOW!!” Some drivers honked while others flipped middle fingers at the more than two dozen protesters outside the Washoe County Administration Complex the morning of July 9. The protesters were calling on commissioners in Nevada’s second largest and only swing county to refuse to certify the results of a recount of the June primary.

KVVU-TV: Fox 5

This is a day that will be embedded in American history — when President Biden dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House. "No president has stepped out of the race this late. Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman both did it fairly early in comparison.” Michael Green, Ph.D. — a professor and chair of UNLV’s history department — said a president giving up his shot at re-election this close to November is historically unusual. However, not having an established nominee at this point is not.


Ever hear the old adage that time flies when you’re having fun? A new study by a team of UNLV researchers suggests that there’s a lot of truth to the trope.


A recent rat-brain study offers insight into how the brain tells time, and its lead researcher believes the findings have practical applications for how we can cope with unpleasant things in life, or make the most of a good time.

New Atlas

Time is relative, and not only in an astrophysical sense – we’re all familiar with that feeling that time drags when we’re bored and flies when we’re busy. New analysis of brain activity patterns shows how our brains track time, and some intriguing insights into how cells handle it.

Daily Mail

Scores of swimmers waded past a drowning woman as she clung to a pool railing because they had no idea she was in trouble, a psychologist believes. Leticia Gonzales Triplett, 58, died on the morning of February 4 in the North Decatur Las Vegas Athletic Club's swimming pool.