Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Brenna Renn (Psychology) published the manuscript "Modernizing Training in Psychotherapy Competencies With Adaptive Learning Systems: Proof of Concept" in the journal Research on Social Work Practice. She worked alongside colleagues from the University of Washington departments of computer science and engineering, social work, and…
Arpine Mkrtchyan (World Languages and Cultures) has successfully completed the online training ‘’La Francophonie: essence culturelle nécessité politique-2020" organized by University of Jean Moulin, Lyon, France. She has attended seven weeks of the following training and was awarded a certificate of success this month.
Aly Hiko and Austin Horng-En Wang (both Political Science) published the article "Out-of-Control COVID-19 Pandemic Hampers the Nationalism" in Political Studies Review. A survey experiment was conducted in the U.S. three months after the COVID19 outbreak and revealed that the priming of the outbreak in the U.S. significantly decreases…
Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) published a chapter, "#LatinxGradCaps, Cultural Citizenship, and the 'American Dream," in the edited volume Folklore and Social Media. Looking at the hashtag #LatinxGradCaps, it addresses how the aesthetic and narrative framings of immigrant identities in these online displays…
Barbara Roth (Anthropology) and Kathryn Baustian, '10 MA and '15 PhD Anthropology, published "Situational Power in Cooperative Communities: Indicators from Bioarchaeology in the Mimbres Region of Southwest New Mexico" in American Anthropologist.  
James M. Hyman  (Psychology) presented recent work from his lab for the colloquium series at the University of Toronto department of psychology. "How Context, Memory, and Neurodegeneration Affect ACC-hippocampal Interactions" was his topic.    
Ivan Sandoval-Cervantes (Anthropology) presented his work on multispecies ethnography as part of a panel that brought together Mexican artists and academics. The panel, "Animal Politics: Sketches of a Non-Human Theater," included a short documentary as well as three presentations that discussed the relationship between non-human animals,…
Tirth Bhatta (Sociology) and Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing) collaborated with Eva Kahana of the sociology department at Case Western Reserve University and Boaz Kahana to publish a research article, "Loving Others: The Impact of Compassionate Love on Later Life Psychological Well-being," in The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. The article concerns the…
Arpine Mkrtchyan (World Languages and Cultures) took part in an online international colloquium, ‘’Israel est mondialement FLE,’’ in Israel last month. She presented a webinar,'' L’enseignement-apprentissage du FLE à distance: classé inversée." The conference was organized with the Association of French teachers (APFI/FIPF, the general inspection…
David Damore (Political Science), Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West), and Fatma Nasoz (Computer Science) provide an analysis of voting on Question 1 and its consequences for higher education reform in their recent commentary piece "The Geography of Higher Education Reform" appearing in the Nevada Current.
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) was recently a part of a (virtual) panel discussion on "Activism Amidst COVID-19," which focused on the impact of the COVID-19 on contemporary social movements. The event was hosted by the Centre for the Study of Social and Political Movements at University of Kent. 
Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) published the article “Fast Food at the White House: Performing Foodways, Class, and American Identity” in the journal Western Folklore. This article examines how, in the context of the fast food feast served to the 2019 college football playoff national champions at the White House,…