Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Alan Simmons (Anthropology) presently is in Cyprus on a Fulbright award. While this has had to be modified due to COVID-19, he initially will spend two months at the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute working on a monograph of his long-term National Science Foundation- (and other-) funded project at the Neolithic (ca. 9,000 years…
Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) gave a virtual presentation,“From Neo-Nazis and Coughing Karens: Grappling with Intentionality in the Time of COVID-19,” at the Western States Folklore Society annual meeting.
William Bauer (History and American Indian Alliance) has been appointed to the editorial board of the Journal of American History. He will serve a three-year term. The Journal of American History is the leading scholarly publication and the journal of record in American history as well as the official journal of the Organization of…
Iván Sandoval-Cervantes (Anthropology) presented a paper based on his project on animal rights/welfare activism in Ciudad Juárez, México, as part of a human rights panel, in the Society for Latin American Studies Virtual Conference. In this presentation, he explored how animal rights/welfare activists engage in discourses of human rights in their…
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) presented an invited (virtual) talk titled "Animals and the Meaning They Bring to Our Lives" for the Lund University Philosophy Society.
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) presented commentary on Allison B. Wolf's Just Immigration in the Americas: A Feminist Account as part of a symposium organized by the department of philosophy and Centro de Estudios en Migración at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. 
Marta Soligo (Sociology and International Gaming Institute) was interviewed for the sociology podcast "The Social Breakdown." Soligo explored the sociology of tourism, especially the relationship between COVID-19 and the travel industry. She discussed the role of tourism in Las Vegas as well as the creation of culture…
Olivia Cheche (Political Science) and Peter Grema (Economics) presented their research at the 2021 Western Regional Honors Council Virtual Conference, last week. Cheche's research on "The Culture of Policing in Las Vegas" presents national and local data on disparities related to the racial, social, and fiscal aspects within the Las…
Jonathan Jiménez (Sociology) has just published the chapter "When the Gayborhood Isn't Enough: How Trans Youth Utilize the Internet to Make a Digital Trans Neighborhood" in The Gayborhood: From Sexual Liberation to Cosmopolitan Spectacle, by Lexington Books. The paper details the estrangement and exclusion of trans youth from supposedly LGBT…
Nadia Eldemerdash (Political Science) presented "The Effects of Remittances on Voter Turnout in New and Developing Democracies, 1991-2018" at the 2021 International Studies Association Conference. The paper explores how remittance inflows affect political participation in new and developing democracies. She is a doctoral student.
Daniel Okamura (Sociology) has just published as co-editor, The Gayborhood: From Sexual Liberation to Cosmopolitan Spectacle. This volume was assembled out of concern that the body of research had begun to essentialize and reify gay urban enclaves as frozen in time and location when such places have witnessed and experienced rapid…
Darrell Carter (Political Science) presented "Built for Brokering: The Impact of IGO Institutionalization on Cooperation" at the 2021 International Studies Association Conference. The paper explores how the structure of an intergovernmental organization, through different levels of institutionalization, impacts cooperation between its members…