Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Christopher Perkins (English) published "Love Letter to Great Salt Lake" in The Salt Lake Tribune. The newspaper published the letter as a special column. The letter hopes to raise awareness around the fragility of a uniquely remarkable lake and appreciation for how commercial activity and a changing climate are impacting it. 
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) published Latin American Immigration Ethics, which she co-edited with Luis Rubén Díaz Cepeda, with University of Arizona Press. The volume uses conceptual frameworks from Latin American and Latinx philosphies to consider immigration ethics challenges in the context of the Americas. Reed-Sandoval contributed three…
Peter Gray (Anthropology) lead-authored a chapter with UNLV Anthropology MA graduate Alex Straftis and University of Oklahoma colleague Kermyt Anderson entitled, "Men and reproduction: Perspectives from biological anthropology." The chapter appears in the new edited volume, Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Reproduction, and offers a concise…
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) presented an invited talk, "Taking Feline Well-Being Seriously," at the University of Redlands, as part of the university's Human-Animal Studies Speakers Series. This talk explored the moral duty cat guardians have to promote the flourishing of the felines under their care and the derivative duty guardians have to…
Levent Atici (Undergraduate Research,  Anthropology) has co-authored an article entitled “Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene finds from the 2020 sounding excavation at Girmeler, Southwestern Turkey” in the  2021 issue of peer-reviewed European journal Anatolica. The paper sheds new light on the origins and spread of farming economies in…
Elizabeth Lawrence (Sociology) and colleagues have published two articles: "Contributions and Challenges in Health Lifestyles Research" in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior Special Issue on Findings, Challenges, and Future Directions in Medical Sociology and "Postsecondary Educational Attainment and Health among Younger U.S…
Jennifer Byrnes (Anthropology) has co-authored an article that appears in the journal Science & Justice. The article, "Multi-Agent Scavenging Patterns in Hawai‘i: A Forensic Archaeological and Skeletal Case Study," co-authored with William Belcher (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), presents archaeological and anthropological…
Katelin Gilbertson (Economics, Brookings Mountain West, The Lincy Institute) recently had her Op-Ed, "Microchip manufacturing could boost Nevada economy" published in the Nevada Independent. Gilberton discusses how the expanding global microchip shortage presents a premier opportunity to augment Nevada’s strong economic diversification efforts.
Doris Morgan Rueda (History) has published a chapter, "The Dazed and Dangerous Delinquents of Sin City: Policing and Detaining Juvenile Delinquents in 20th Century Las Vegas," in the edited volume, History & Crime: A Transdisciplinary Approach (Emerald Publishing, 2021), edited by Thomas J Kehoe and Jeffrey E Pfeifer. 
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper "International Sex Survey: Study protocol of a large, cross-cultural collaborative study in 45 countries" in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions.
  Kristen Herlosky (Anthropology), a doctoral student, published, along with one of her advisers, Alyssa Crittenden, a chapter in the new edited volume, Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Reproduction, a chapter entitled "Alloparenting: Evolutionary origins and contemporary significance of cooperative childrearing as a key feature of…
William Bauer (History) was awarded the annual History Book Award from Heyday Press for his latest book, We Are The Land: A History of Native California. The award will be conferred at a virtual event on Oct. 28.