Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) published "Border Crossing for Abortion: A Feminist Challenge to Border Theory" in the Journal of Social Philosophy.
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper, "Sexual and Physical Revictimization in U.S. Military Veterans" in the Journal of Traumatic Stress.  
Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) virtually presented "Intimate Boundaries: Toward a Feminist Theory of Borders" to the Kegley Institute of Ethics at the California State University, Bakersfield. 
Arpine Mkrtchyan (World Languages and Cultures) published the article ‘Les particularités de l’Image hugolienne dans le poème « Le Hibou » : analyse imagologique [The particularities of Hugolian image in the poem: ‘The Owl’ : imagological analysis’] in  scientific journal 'Synergie Greece/3rd Congress Acts 2022. The objective of…
Paul Werth (History) has published an article, "What is a ‘Minority’ in an Imperial Formation? Thoughts on the Russian Empire,” in the journal Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, 41.3 (2021): 325-31.
Lianelys Cabrera-Martinez, Aldo Barrita, and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology) recently published "A Systematic Review on the Resilience Reported by BIPOC in the Face of Discrimination" at Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal.
Danielle Romero (Anthropology) has been hired as the director of the Western New Mexico University (WNMU) Museum in Silver City.  A Ph.D. candidate, Romero is a student of professor Barbara Roth. Her research focus is on the archaeology of the Mimbres region of southwestern New Mexico. The WNMU Museum houses the "largest and most complete…
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues recently published a paper, "Social Support over Time for Men and Women Veterans with and without Complex Trauma Histories, in Psychological Services.  
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) published a book chapter, "Racialized Sexual Discrimination: A Moral Right or Morally Wrong?" in the Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics (edited by David Boonin).
Tirth R. Bhatta (Sociology), Nirmala Lekhak (Nursing), and Sfurti Rathi (Public Health) have published an article, "The Intersection of Race and Financial Strain: The Pain of Social Disconnection among Women in the United States," in the Journal of Women and Aging. They used their nationwide Web-based survey to examine the effects of financial…
Brenna Renn (Psychology) and colleagues from the University of Washington School of Nursing authored a manuscript  detailng provider preferences for patient digital health technologies to support primary care across clinical contexts. Published in the February issue of JMIR Formative Research, this study investigated differences across…
Tyler D. Parry (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) was interviewed by journalist Bridgette Bartlett Royall who was spotlighting the custom of "jumping the broom" for a feature in The New York Times. She interviewed him about the custom's origins and used the information to provide historical context for the piece, which was published…