Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Unforgetting, the award-winning memoir written by UNLV visiting assistant professor Roberto Lovato (English), is being celebrated by the San Francisco Public Library's On the Same Page program, which distributed hundreds of copies of the book to book clubs and patrons at all of the city's libraries.
Merci Silva-Acosta (World Languages and Cultures) published an article: "Voces feministas que trascienden épocas y continentes: 'Lección de cocina' de Rosario Castellanos y 'Carne quemada' de Rosa Montero" in El Cid: La revista estudiantil del Capítulo Tau Iota de Sigma Delta Pi, la Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica.  
Solena D. Mednicoff, Sivan Barashy, Destiny Gonzales, Stephen D. Benning, Joel S. Snyder, and Erin E. Hannon (all Psychology) published an article titled, "Auditory affective processing, musicality, and the development of misophonic reactions," in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience. 
Cheryl Abbate (Philosophy) published a chapter titled, "Are Our Companion Animals Friends or Family?" in the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Friendship. In this chapter, it's argued that we should, as much as possible, model our relationships with companion animals off of friendship relationships, rather than parent-child relationships. 
Kara Christensen and Nicole Short (both Psychology), with a colleague at the University of Alberta, published a chapter, "Insomnia in Eating Disorders," in the new book, Eating Disorders. In this chapter, they provide an overview of the literature on insomnia disorder in people with eating disorders, potential mechanisms for comorbidity, and…
Margarita Jara (World Languages and Cultures) gave her Presidential Address at the 2022 Linguistic Association of the Southwest annual meeting at Cleveland State University on September 24. Her paper was titled, "Northwestern Amazonian Spanish as a macro-region: The roles of the (socio)-linguist."  Spanish has coexisted with many…
Graduate student SaMoura Horsley (Anthropology) has been awarded the prestigious UNLV McNair Post-Graduate Scholarship. 
Dave Beisecker (Philosophy) and co-author Amirouche Moktefi (University of Talinn, Estonia) had their paper, "John Cook Wilson's 'Hanging Plants': A Contribution to the History of Early Logic Trees," published in Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, a volume in the Springer book series, Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Artificial…
Nerses Kopalyan published an article in the Times of Israel on the relationship between Israel's arms sales to Azerbaijan, and the implications of this policy in light of Azerbaijan's growing anti-Americanism. 
Nerses Kopalyan published an article in Le Figaro, one of the most prestigious publications in France, on the energy deal between the European Union and Azerbaijan, and the geopolitical implications of Europe enabling oil-rich autocracies. 
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited to the virtual roundtable "Technology and the security of democratic societies" hosted by the Brookings Institution. In the roundtable, Dr. Wang shared his observation on the information operations from the authoritarian regimes and their possible developments in recent years. He also…
Jessica E. Teague (English) has been awarded a 2022 American Book Award (the Walter & Lillian Lowenfels Award for Criticism) for her book, Sound Recording Technology and American Literature, (Cambridge UP, 2021).  The American Book Awards have been around for 43 years and have been awarded to writers across a…