Accomplishments: College of Liberal Arts

Nerses Kopalyan and Tiffiany Howard (both Political Science) co-authored the book Sex, Power, and Politics (Palgrave 2016). Additionally, Kopalyan is the author of World Political Systems After Polarity (Routledge 2017).
Georgiann Davis (Sociology) received the 2017 American Sociological Association Sex and Gender Section's Distinguished Book Award for her 2015 New York University Press book Contesting Intersex The Dubious Diagnosis. She also received the section's 2017 Feminist Scholar Activist Award.
Jennifer Rennels and Andrea Kayl (both Psychology), along with Swedish collaborators Joshua Juvrud, Martin Asperholm, Gustaf Gredebäck, and Agneta Herlitz, published an article in Developmental Psychology on how differences in caregiving experience (female caregiver only or distributed caregiving between a female and male) are…
Marcia M. Gallo (History) has been named Martin Duberman Visiting Scholar for 2017–18 by the New York Public Library. The visiting scholar program fosters excellence in LGBT studies by providing funds for scholars to do research in the library’s preeminent LGBT historical collections. The fellowship is open to both academic faculty and independent…
Ranita Ray (Sociology) published her paper "Identity of Distance: How Economically Marginalized Black and Latina Women Navigate Risk Discourse and Employ Feminist Ideals" in one of the premier sociology journals, Social Problems. She is the author of the forthcoming University of California Press book The Making of a Teenage Service Class: Poverty…
Robert Futrell (Sociology) was interviewed by FOX 5 Las Vegas about domestic hate groups and also was interviewed by Las Vegas News Now. He is the co-author of American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement's Hidden Spaces of Hate.  
Andrew Spivak (Sociology) and colleagues published an article, "Self-interest and Public Opinion in Health Policy: Smoking Behavior and Support for Tobacco Control," in Social Theory & Health.
Rochelle Hines and Dustin Hines (both Psychology) were awarded the office of undergraduate research (OUR) Director’s Faculty Research Mentor Award at the recent OUR summer undergraduate research symposium. This award recognizes the outstanding contribution of UNLV faculty members in support of undergraduate research and professional development.
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) participated in a debate with professor Eric Graf of the Universidad Francisco Marroquín (Guatemala), titled "Tilting at Windmills." The July 22 debate about the multiple messages in Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quijote, was a breakout session during the 11th  annual conference (…
Donovan Conley (Communication Studies), Janet Dufek (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Jennifer Rennels (Psychology) have been named Graduate Faculty Fellows for the 2017-18 academic year. The Graduate Faculty Fellows Program allows UNLV faculty and the Graduate College to work together on projects each academic year. The program…
James Hyman (Psychology) is the co-author—along with Clay Holroyd of the University of Victoria in Canada and Jeremy Seamans of the University of British Columbia in Canada—of an article, "A Novel Neural Prediction Error Found in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Ensembles" that was published this week in Neuron. When unexpected events occur, a feedback-…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) recently presented at two international conferences. The first presentation, “Los tres poderes incorpóreos en Cervantes, desde La Galatea al Persiles,” was presented in June at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, at Tromso, during a conference titled Cervantes en el Septentrión. The…