Accomplishments: Department of Political Science

Ashley Schobert (Law and Brookings Mountain West) recently wrote a report with Brookings Senior Fellow Richard Reeves titled "Elite or Elitist? Lessons for Colleges from Selective High Schools." In the report, the pair present data that show how selective high schools are racially unrepresentative of the districts they are located in, and…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and her colleague Adam Feldman (Empirical SCOTUS) have published an article, "Power Dynamics in Supreme Court Oral Arguments: The Relationship between Gender and Justice-to-Justice Interruptions," in Justice System Journal. In this article, the authors examine how gendered norms of professional…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science), along with colleagues Stella Rouse (University of Maryland College Park), Libby Sharrow (UMASS Amherst), and Nadia Brown (Purdue University), have been awarded a collaborative grant totaling $1,000,794 from the National Science Foundation's ADVANCE program (HRD:1936045). The project, called "#MeTooPoliSci…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) presented at the Faculty and Staff Sexual Misconduct Conference at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In her presentation, "The Role of Professional Societies in Addressing Misconduct," she discussed the largely untapped power of professional associations to combat and disincentivize sexual misconduct while…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) received a $2,000 grant from the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, which is a division of the American Psychology Association, for the research project "War, Collective Action, and Nation-building." The research project focuses on how the experience of collective action during the…
David Damore (Political Science and Brookings Mountain West) recently authored an essay featured on the Brookings Institution blog, FixGov. His work discusses how the Nevada Legislature, which meets for a 120 day session every two years, "exemplifies how institutional constraints challenge effective policy making." The piece was originally…
John Tuman and Hafthor Erlingsson (both Political Science) have published a study of foreign direct investment flows in the Mexican automobile industry. The article appears in the journal Growth and Change Erlingsson is a doctoral student.
Rebecca Gill (Political Science and the Women's Research Institute of Nevada) and Kate Eugenis ,'17 PhD Political Science, have published their article "Do Voters Prefer Women Judges? Deconstructing the Competitive Advantage in State Supreme Court Elections" in State Politics & Policy Quarterly. In this article, the authors find that…
Tiffiany Howard (Political Science) recently published the "State of Black Entrepreneurship in America."  The report evaluates the economic and entrepreneurial outcomes for African Americans in comparison to Black African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants, in order to provide a deeper examination of the influence social capital and immigrant…
Steven Landis (Political Science) presented “Food Price Volatility, Rebel Groups, and Civilian Victimization in Sub-Saharan Africa" as a part of the SMA General Speaker Series.  He addressed  concerns for the U.S. military due to the second-order effects of climate change, How food insecurity impacts rebel group capabilities…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored the article "Self-Defense in Taiwan: New Findings from Surveys" in the Pacific Forum. In this article, the authors conducted and analyzed a series of survey experiments to explore the psychological mechanism behind Taiwanese people's willingness to fight against invasion under…
Rebecca Gill (Women's Research Institute of Nevada and Political Science) delivered the luncheon address at the 2019 Grassroots Lobby Days event hosted by the Nevada Women's Lobby in Carson City. Her talk centered on the ways in which the #MeToo movement has changed the way our institutions conceptualize and address sexual harassment in the…