Accomplishments: Department of Political Science

Anjala Krishen (Marketing and International Business), Axenya Kachen (Public Health), Rebecca Gill (Political Science), Paula Peter, and Maria Petrescu recently had their A- level psychology and marketing interdisciplinary paper, "#MeToo, #MeThree, #MeFour: Twitter as Community Building across Academic and Corporate Institutions" published. Kachen…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was selected to receive the 2021 Wilson China Fellowship from The Wilson Center, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank focusing on U.S.-China relationships. The $20,000 fellowship will be used to support his research project,  “Pro-Democracy or Anti-China? The Emergence and Transformation of #…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a co-authored article, "Sacrifice for the Mandate of Heaven? Regression Discontinuity of Death Penalty Execution in Taiwan," in the Social Science Journal. It exploits an unexpected death penalty execution during a national survey in Taiwan in 2012 and shows that the death penalty…
David Damore (Political Science), Robert Lang (Lincy and Brookings Mountain West), and Karen Danielsen (Public Policy and Leadership) are the authors of "In 2020, the Largest Metro Areas Made the Difference for Democrats," which was published by The Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program. The analysis applies the "blue metros, red…
Kenneth M. Miller (Political Science) gave a presentation titled "Assessing 2020 Pre-election Polls in Nevada and Nationwide" at the Perspectives on Polling Methodology Virtual Symposium hosted by the Nevada chapter of the American Statistical Association.
Kristian Thymianos (Political Science, The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West) and Joe Bradly, '20 BA Interdisciplinary Studies, recently co-authored an OpEd in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "Right-wing Terrorism has Become a Defining Issue." Thymianos and Bradly discuss recent events involving right-wing terrorism and provide suggestions…
David Damore (Political Science), Robert Lang (Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute), and William Brown (Brookings Mountain West) collaborated with SRI International and RGC Economics on "Nevada's Plan for Recovery & Resliance," which was released by the Nevada governor's office of economic development as part of Gov.…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) collaborated on a cross-national psychological project, "COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey Dataset on Psychological and Behavioural Consequences of the COVID-19 Outbreak," which recently published in Scientific Data. This N = 173,426 project conducts a series of surveys in 39 countries and in 47…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited to give a speech, "Misinformation and the Political Convergence Effect on Social Media," last month at National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. He shared his recent findings about how people may "migrate" across social media sites to find their echo chamber, which influences the…
Kenneth Miller (Political Science) was interviewed by the Las Vegas Sun to talk about the implications of this week's Georgia Senate runoffs for Nevada senators' legislative efforts in the next Congress.
Aly Hiko and Austin Horng-En Wang (both Political Science) published the article "Out-of-Control COVID-19 Pandemic Hampers the Nationalism" in Political Studies Review. A survey experiment was conducted in the U.S. three months after the COVID19 outbreak and revealed that the priming of the outbreak in the U.S. significantly decreases…
David Damore (Political Science), Robert Lang (The Lincy Institute and Brookings Mountain West), and Fatma Nasoz (Computer Science) provide an analysis of voting on Question 1 and its consequences for higher education reform in their recent commentary piece "The Geography of Higher Education Reform" appearing in the Nevada Current.