Accomplishments: Department of Sociology

Aldo Barrita, Shane Kraus, Rachael Robnett, Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology) and Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology) recently published a paper titled, "The Illegal Threat": The Presumed Illigality Microaggressive Experience Scale in the journal of Translational Issues in Psychological Science. This research project aimed…
Elizabeth Lawrence (Sociology) published a paper with co-authors at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill in the international Journal of Epidemiology. The article, titled "Data Resource Profile: Add Health Mortality Outcomes Surveillance," describes newly available mortality data for The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to…
Robert Futrell (Sociology) recently co-authored an article in the Annual Review of Sociology titled: "How Threat Mobilizes the Resurgence and Persistence of US White Supremacist Activism: The 1980s to the Present." The review asesses micro, meso, and macro-level research on white supremacist activism to explain analytic commonalities and…
On July 18, Adrianna Munson (Sociology) presented a paper titled, "Assessing daily life: Standardization and discretion in home healthcare evaluations," at the joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). The paper is co-authored with Guillermina…
Robert Futrell (Sociology) was featured on NPR's All Things Considered in the story "A decade after armed standoff, the Bundys appear to be above the law." 
Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology) received an honorable mention for her book, Contested Americans: Mixed-Status Families in Anti-Immigrant Times, from the American Sociological Association's (ASA) Latino/a Sociology Section's Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award.
Published: Annaliese Grant (Sociology) recently published an article about the role of socioeconomic status, shared television time, and family relationships in the Journal of Children and Media, titled, "The role of socioeconomic status in U.S. children’s co-viewing television and family member relationship quality over time."
Robert Futrell (Sociology) was recently featured in articles on far-right extremism: 1) Bellingcat's "Fugitive US Militant Ammon Bundy Geolocated to Utah" and 2) The Las Vegas Weekly's "Radicalized Online: How Digital Rabbit Holes Lead to Violent Extremism."
Cassaundra Rodriguez (Sociology) has been recognized as a finalist for the prestigious SSSP C. Wright Mills Award for her book, Contested Americans: Mixed-Status Families in Anti-Immigrant Times. The award committee considered 108 books for this award and will announce the winner in August at the annual conference in Montreal, Quebec.
Robert Futrell (Sociology) and Emily Wagner (Sociology Ph.D. student) recently published the third edition of American Swastika: Inside the U.S. White Power Movement's Hidden Spaces of Hate. Co-authored with Pete Simi (Chapman University, UNLV Sociology Alumnus 2002), the book uses powerful case studies, interviews, and first-person accounts…
Torisha Khonach and Anna Kurz, (both Sociology) recently published an article titled "Challenges of #bodypositivity: social media and hashtag activism" in the journal Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society. Utilizing 200 posts from Instagram and 200 videos from TikTok, they examine the ways social media…
Robert Futrell (Sociology) recently co-authored essays in Mobilization: An International Journal and The Journal of Right-Wing Studies that sketch a “constellation” framework for understanding U.S. extremist white supremacy. A constellation approach focuses on a core set of practices, ideas, and emotions and offers a more complex,…