Accomplishments: Department of Psychology
Renato M. Liboro, Lianne Barnes, Sherry Bell, Brandon Ranuschio (all Psychology), Jennifer Pharr (Environmental and Occupational Health), and Jason Flatt (Social and Behavioral Health), recently published a peer-reviewed article in the Social Sciences journal entitled, "Lifetime Experiences of Housing Insecurity among Gay Men Living with HIV at…
Anthony King, Ting Tong, Danielle Le, Donna Sim, and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology) published an article titled, "Adverse childhood experiences, health risk factors, and significant problems with substances and behaviors among U.S. college students" in the Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Anthony King, Shane Kraus, and Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology) published an article titled, "Can positive play deficits explain the associations between posttraumatic stress symptoms, gambling motives, and problem gambling? Results of a national U.S. sample," in the Journal of Gambling Studies.
Kara Christensen Pacella and Nicole Short (both Psychology) with co-authors from Sanford Research, North Dakota State University, and University of Kansas published a new article, "Using Item Response Theory to Identify Key Symptoms of Insomnia in a Sample of University Students with Probable Eating Disorders" in Eating and Weight Disorders-…
Ryan A. Wirt, Talha Soluoku, Ryan M. Ricci, and James M. Hyman (all Medicine and Psychology) published a study, "Temporal information in the anterior cingulate cortex relates to accumulated experiences," in the journal Current Biology. In this paper, they present analysis of neural recording data that shows that the brain tracks time by counting…
Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (Psychology) was awarded the Charles and Shirley Thomas Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race, a division of the American Psychological Association. This award was created in honor of the significant contributions made by Charles and Shirley Thomas in the area of student…
Michelle Poston and Stephen Benning (Psychology) published an article with colleagues titled, "Why college women and men refrain from sex despite desire: Development of the No Sex Despite Desire (NSDD) measure," in The Journal of Sex Research.
Kara Christensen Pacella (Psychology) and colleagues published a new article titled "The Integration of Sleep Research Into Eating Disorders Research: Recommendations and Best Practices" in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.
Shane Kraus (Psychology) and colleagues have published several papers in the month of June.
The first paper, "Uncovering the most robust predictors of problematic pornography use: A large-scale machine learning study across 16 countries," was published in Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.
The second paper, "…
Kara Christensen Pacella and graduate student Maegan Nation (both Psychology) recently co-authored a publication in the Journal of Eating Disorders titled, "Engagement in binge eating and fasting associated with poorer sleep quality in an online sample of adults," with colleagues from North Dakota State University and University of Minnesota.
Teresa (Tess) Walker and Brenna Renn (both Psychology) recently published a chapter detailing "Models of Integrated Behavioral and Mental Health in Primary Care" in the textbook, "Geriatrics Models of Care" (2nd ed). This text reviews various evidence-based and emerging models of care for best practice care of older adults and emphasizes an…
Aldo Barrita, Richard Chang, Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt (all Psychology), and colleagues recently published a paper, "Immigration Status Microaggressions: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Cultural Stress, Fear, Internalization, and Psychological Stress Among Latinx and Asian College Students" in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority…