Accomplishments: Department of History

William Bauer (History, American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program, and American Indian Alliance), presented a paper, "Pit River Activism and California Economic Development, 1953-1980," at the annual conference of the Historians of the Twentieth Century United States in Edinburgh, Scotland.  He discussed how members of the Pit River…
John Curry (History) presented a working paper at the "Seeing Like a Sufi: Vision and Space in Sufism" workshop held at Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat in Munich, Germany. The paper addressed the topic of "Narratives of Miraculous Vision in the Eighteenth-Century Hagiographies of Unsi Hasan Efendi and Nasuhi Muhammad Efendi." The workshop brought…
Carlos S. Dimas (History) had his article, "In Service and Observation of the State: The Argentine Meteorological Service and the Culture of Weather Observation in Argentina, 1872–1915," published in the journal Agricultural History. The article examines the early history of meteorology in Argentina through the development of the…
Andy Kirk (History) received the Preservation Commission Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation from the city of Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission. The award recognized Kirk in the Career Achievement Category for "decade's worth of service ensuring the preservation of the history of Las Vegas."
Iesha Jackson (Teaching and Learning), Doris L. Watson (Educational Psychology and Higher Education), Claytee D. White (Oral History Research Center), and Marcie Gallo (History) published the article, "Research as (Re)vision: Laying Claim to Oral History as a Just-us Research Methodology," in the special issue of the International Journal of…
Carlos S. Dimas (History) gave a talk on his recently published book, Poisoned Eden: Cholera Epidemics, State-Building, and the Problem of Public Health in Tucumán , Argentina, 1865-1908, at the University of California Riverside (UCR). The talk centered on the the notions of medical governance and uncertainty in the 1886-87 epidemic.…
William Bauer (History and American Indian Alliance) participated on a panel, "Cultures and Complexities: California’s Hidden Stories in History, Fiction, Poetry and Memoir" at the 8th Annual Bay Area Book Festival in Berkeley, California, earlier this month. He discussed his recent book, We Are the Land: A Native History of California (…
Susan Lee Johnson (History) was co-organizer, with Karl Jacoby of Columbia University, of a conference honoring William Cronon of the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the occasion of his retirement. Cronon was Frederick Jackson Turner and Vilas Research Professor of History, Geography, and Environmental Studies. The conference, Common…
Michael Green (History) received the Superior Achievement Award from the Illinois State Historical Society for his book, Lincoln and Native Americans, published by Southern Illinois University Press.
Michael Green (History) recently presented as part of a roundtable on "The Big 1862" at the Organization of American Historians conference in Boston. C-SPAN filmed the roundtable and plans to broadcast it.
William Bauer (History) participated on the panel "Retracing The Oregon Trail" at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Boston. Bauer, along with Margaret Huettl, '16 PhD History, discussed developing and including the representation of Indigenous People in the latest version of the computer game The Oregon Trail. Bauer…
Jeff Schauer (History) participated in the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Conference on British Studies. His paper, "'Sitting Like Robots Doing Extremely Nothing': Expatriates, Work, Loyalty, and Neocolonial Power in 1960s Africa" juxtaposed debates about "model whites" in Kenya, dual loyalties, and meaningless labor in Zambia, and the…