In The News: Department of Anthropology


As beachgoers scramble to trim their nether regions ahead of swim season, new UNLV research shows they aren't alone in their ambitions for a bare bikini line.

As beachgoers scramble to trim their nether regions ahead of swim season, new UNLV research shows they aren't alone in their ambitions for a bare bikini line.


Honey — it’s a popular “better-for-you” sweetener for tea and baked goods alike, but because it’s made by bees, the question of its vegan status is an on-going discussion in communities.

OpenMind BBVA

In the 19th century, when it began to be understood that the human being was a species that emerged like the others from a process of biological evolution, an expression made its way: the "missing link", the ape-man who was supposed to connect Homo sapiens with the apes; like a sticker that was missing to stick in our family album.

The List

Think back to your very first kiss. That big day will always be cemented in your mind, but it's likely that all the hype surrounding the event was better than the smooch itself. It's possible that you were one of the lucky ones who experienced fireworks or, maybe, you engaged in an awkward, sloppy exchange of saliva that made you question why you were even excited to accomplish this milestone. Good times, good times.

Las Vegas Review Journal

The ancient Central American city of Caracol was abandoned by the Maya almost a thousand years ago, but Arlen and Diane Chase can’t seem to stay away from the place.

The Argonaut

University of Idaho presidential finalist Diane Z. Chase brings 16 years of administrative experience to the table.

Yale Daily News

Our simple task in this Community Health Educators orientation activity was to order the cards from least to most intimate. On the completed intimacy spectrum, sex fell somewhere in the middle — less intimate than sharing a Netflix password.

Las Vegas Sun

Sometimes they’re buried in unmarked graves. Other times their bodies decompose under the desert’s blaring sun. The mementos carried on their journey—a child’s drawing with a Spanish prayer scribbled on the back, a stuffed animal, a lucha libre mask—are found with them, hinting at who they were before they died.

Discover Magazine

Thomas Garrison pauses in the middle of the jungle.

“That’s the causeway right there,” he says, pointing into a random patch of greenery in the Guatemalan lowlands.

Florida Weekly

Remember the meet-cute scene in “101 Dalmatians,” where the couple’s dogs bring them together? It happens in real life, too.

The Good Men Project

How does paternity express itself in a diverse array of ways?