Topic: health and medicine

Marya Shegog  poses for camera
Research | September 10, 2013

Nevada ranks at the bottom in attracting the funding it needs for healthcare programs. Marya Shegog of The Lincy Institute says gathering data is critical to helping our community promote healthy living while building a robust economy.

Two people looking at a variety of hot sauces on a table
Research | July 15, 2013

Researchers find elevated lead levels in some hot sauces imported from Mexico; urge enforceable screening standards.

People | January 15, 2013

The School of Community Health Sciences will hold a retirement celebration for Dr. Mary Guinan, founding dean, on May 9 at 1:30 p.m. in the Stan Fulton Building, Ballroom A. Guinan was among the first scientists to investigate the AIDS epidemic.

People | November 7, 2012

When a trauma mangles a patient's face, Dr. Daniel Orr steps in for the often intense work of reconstruction.

People | November 5, 2012

Anthropologist Alyssa Crittenden ventures into the African bush to study how humans learned to cooperate.

People | September 20, 2012

Inspired by loved ones’ battles with cancer and intrigued by the mysteries locked within the cells of humans, Hui Zhang hopes to one day make medical history.