Brian Labus In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal
Kenya Young paced in the back parking lot of Valley Hospital Medical Center.
El Tiempo
Kenya Young was strolling in the back parking lot of Valley Hospital Medical Center.
verywell health
A new coronavirus strain called B.1.1.7 first appeared in September and has quickly caused a wave of infections in the United Kingdom (UK). In response to the news, a growing number of countries, including Spain and Russia, have enacted travel bans against the UK over the past week.
Just as the world seemed to be turning the corner in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, a new mutation in the novel coronavirus has started to make things look bleaker again, as several countries imposed fresh lockdowns to curb fresh transmission.
There are two camps of people in this world: the “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” camp and the “Every time you piddle, the lever you must diddle” camp. (Yeah, we totally just made up that phrase.)
U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in a Dec. 14 statement to Parliament that a new strain of coronavirus has been identified in southeast England.
There’s so much COVID-19 data being reported. What does it all mean? KUNR’s Lucia Starbuck talks to Brian Labus, an epidemiologist with Nevada’s COVID-19 medical advisory team, to break down what the numbers can tell us.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
Across the state, many businesses remain at 25 percent capacity under the Governor's "State-wide pause" restrictions.