Benjamin Edwards In The News

Investors who sued online brokerages over claims they were unfairly blocked from trading shares of high-flying stocks like GameStop Corp. may have a long wait before their cases are resolved.
When asked during a recent debate whether members of Congress should trade stocks, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., attempted to dodge a real policy issue by claiming that the American dream was at stake in the election. She's not entirely wrong. Many Americans dream of an open and honest government setting fair rules for free markets. Today, active trading by senators undermines confidence in government and markets.
On Oct. 9, billionaire Ken Griffin, the head of a multinational financial services company, gave $2 million to a super PAC called Georgia United Victory (GUV), which had originally been launched by allies of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp but at the time exclusively supported Sen. Kelly Loeffler's election campaign.
Sen. Kelly Loeffler, the ultra-wealthy unelected Georgia senator facing a runoff election this January that may determine control of the U.S. Senate, came under the scrutiny of government and Senate investigators this spring amid press reports of stock trades made after she attended a private briefing in January about the coronavirus pandemic.
RIA Intel
Throughout every year, financial advisors win awards and are ranked against one another, mainly by media organizations.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer have slammed the new GOP coronavirus bill, saying that it is "headed nowhere." According to reports, the as-yet-unveiled bill will not include a provision for the second round of stimulus checks, which many have expressed disapproval over. In a joint statement shared by The Hill, Pelosi and Schumer said, "Senate Republicans appear dead-set on another bill which doesn't come close to addressing the problems and is headed nowhere."
Americans are still waiting to see if a second stimulus check package will be approved, but there is reportedly a legal, but "phony issue" that is holding up further stimulus bill negotiations. Republican lawmakers are demanding that the next bill include the Safeguarding America's Frontline Employees To Offer Work Opportunities Required to Kickstart the Economy law, also referred to as the Safe to Work Act, per Yahoo. This would give businesses and schools federal immunity from coronavirus-related lawsuits.
Public Citizen
MCCONNELL, CORNYN RECEIVED MORE THAN $1.2 MILLION FROM BUSINESS GROUPS LOBBYING FOR IMMUNITY: Business groups pushing for corporate immunity have given more than $1.2 million to the two U.S. Senate Republicans leading the charge to include immunity in any pandemic response legislation. According to a review of Federal Election Commission data by The American Independent, since 2016, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who authored the proposal, has received more than $430,000 from the political action committees of trade associations pushing for immunity. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has received more than $825,000.