Bo Bernhard and Marta Soligo (both Office of Economic Development and Hospitality) were interviewed by the Las Vegas-Review Journal on the role of the "fun economy" in Southern Nevada. Focusing on the intersection between tourism, entertainment, and sports, they highlighted the importance of economic diversification in Las Vegas. While reflecting…
Kristen Phipps (History) recently presented at the Western History Association’s annual conference. The panel “Remembering the Civil War in the American West” explored the ways the Civil War is remembered and forgotten in the West. 
Grant specialist April Ursula Fox (Office of Research and Sponsored Projects; Education) presented the Grant Proposition Canvas - A Grantmaking Tool at the SRAI conference in Seattle. The Grant Proposition Canvas tool is available for public access and download within the UNLV ORSP COE website. For more information and discussions…
Jared Griffard (Medicine) published in the Surgical Clinics of North America with a review of blunt chest trauma.
Dr. Sonal Shah (Dental) has been appointed section co-head for the World Workshop of Oral Medicine IX by the American Academy of Oral Medicine. The section's task is defining a global undergraduate oral medicine curriculum and minimal competencies for graduating dental students around the world. The group comprises 12 prominent oral medicine…
Dr. Declan Feery, a general surgery resident, and faculty members Dr. Kevin Kuruvilla and Dr. Allison McNickle (all Medicine) authored "Non-operative management strategy for blunt pulmonary artery pseudoaneuysm: A case report" published in Trauma Case Reports.
Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) presented "A Strong Start: Early Childhood Multilingualism and Linguistic Social Justice" at the annual Fulbright Conference in Denver, Colorado. 
Satish C. Bhatnagar (Mathematical Sciences) gave a talk titled, "Who Cares ҳ| 鶹ýӳ Bhaskar?," was the title of the online talk given on Oct. 18 under the aegis of the 7th annual Aryabhatt Lecture Series. It was organized by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (India).  
Michelle Tusan's (History) "The Concentration Camp as Site of Refuge: The Rise of the Refugee Camp and the Great War in the Middle East", published in the Journal of Modern History, won the DeBenedetti Award for Outstanding Article in Peace History.

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