The National Student Exchange is a program which may provide eligible UNLV students with the opportunity to attend one of the approximately nearly 200 member schools in the United States and Canada. Participants either pay the host-school's in-state tuition or pay UNLV tuition. Since its founding in 1968, more than 80,000 students have been successfully placed for exchange. Instead of crossing oceans, NSE students cross state, regional, provincial, and cultural borders. The changes seen in attitudes, understanding of other people in other settings, maturity, risk-taking, and decision-making are similar to the experiences of students who study outside of North America.


Why Students Participate in NSE

  • Broaden personal and educational perspectives
  • Explore and appreciate new cultures
  • Widen university boundaries
  • Take courses not offered on their home campus
  • Learn from different professors
  • Access courses with different perspectives
  • Explore new areas of study
  • Experience personal growth
  • Live in a different geographic area
  • Investigate graduate or professional schools
  • Look for future employment opportunities
  • Become more independent and resourceful


NSE participation is a privilege, not a right. All of these requirements are applicable at the time of application and in the term prior to exchange.

  • Full-time student status (some exceptions to this!)
  • Minimum UNLV gpa of 2.5 (some exceptions to this!)
  • Good academic standing
  • No incomplete grades from previous terms
  • No current or pending probationary status due to academic dishonesty or misconduct
  • No outstanding financial obligations to the home institution
  • No current or pending probationary or disciplinary action for violation of codes of student conduct
  • Must not be on probation, parole, or have any pending legal judgments

Application Fee

There is a $100 non-refundable application fee due at time of application. Placement is not guaranteed.

Application Period

The primary application period is November 1 - March 1 of each year for the following academic year. Exchange placements are arranged in March for the following academic year (fall and/or spring semesters). Placement on National Student Exchange is not guaranteed. Applications may be accepted after March 1 date on a space-available basis. Please contact International Programs for more information.

Period of Exchange

Students may be placed for a quarter, two quarters, a semester, or an academic year. Although they are not common, summer exchanges may be possible. The maximum amount of time a student can spend on National Student Exchange may not exceed one academic year. If you are considering an exchange to a quarter system school, please contact your advisor to determine the feasibility of attending a quarter system school.


Housing options vary by host school. Residence halls are recommended for living quarters at most and required at some host institutions. Off-campus housing is possible at many NSE schools. Some schools do not have on-campus housing. In all situations, you are responsible for making your housing arrangements.

Language Proficiency

The language of instruction at all NSE campuses in Puerto Rico is Spanish. If you are planning to exchange to Puerto Rico, you must demonstrate Spanish language proficiency. The language of instruction at the Universite de Sherbrooke is French. Students must be able to read textbooks, understand lectures, take part in classroom discussions, do written work, and take examinations in the language of instruction at the host campus. Students for whom English is not their first language may be required to prove English language proficiency to their host school prior to their exchange.