A list of acceptable documents can be found on the website.

No. Federal regulations require the IDs presented for Section 2 to be  viewed physically (in person). If you have an employee who will be working from outside of the Southern Nevada region, please notify your Temp Hire and HCM Support analyst at least 7 - 10 business days before the employee's start date. They will work with the employee to have the I-9 completed by another institution on behalf of UNLV.

Notify your Temp Hire and HCM Support analyst at least 7 - 10 business days before the employee's start date.  They will work with the employee to have the I-9 completed by another institution on behalf of UNLV.

Expired documents are not allowed. All documents must be original and unexpired.  If the employee has an expired driver’s license, ask them to review the list of acceptable documents and select another document to use. A general list can be found on the website. A full list can be found in the beginning on page 8.

For compliance purposes, the employee must be terminated. They can be rehired if and when they can provide the required documentation.

If the employee has new employment authorization documents with an extended end date, please have them contact the Temp Hire and HCM Support analyst. HR will view the employee's new documents and complete a reverification of the I-9 to reflect the extension. If the employee has not received an extension of their employment authorization, they cannot continue working beyond their expiration date and must be terminated from their position.

The number is located on the back of the card in the second half of the first line of code. It starts with three letters and ends with 10 digits.

There may be several reasons for this. Employees have the ability to cancel their own I-9. The task must be reinitiated. Additionally, Human Resources may cancel the I-9 if they deem it to be incorrect or unnecessary.  Check with your Temp Hire and HCM Support analyst to review the record.

Amend the I-9 to remove the incorrect IDs and apply the correct IDs.  Please reach out to your Temp Hire and HCM Support analyst. It’s important to complete the Form I-9 in person for each individual.

There are usually more than two individuals with the role for your department. If those two are the only ones with security to complete the task, please reach out to your Temp Hire and HCM Support analyst. They will review the record and verify if another individual can complete the process.