An overview of mountains

Time Away

UNLV provides a variety of time off options to help employees manage the competing demands of work and home.


Human Resources Front Desk
Absence Management

Academic and Administrative Faculty

Annual Leave

Academic and administrative faculty on a full-time 12-month appointment (“A” contract) earn two days of annual (vacation) leave per month, totaling 24 days per year.

“A” contract faculty with a full-time equivalent (FTE) less than 100% FTE earn annual leave on a prorated basis.

Academic faculty on an academic year (“B” contract) appointment do not earn annual leave.

Requesting Annual Leave

Academic and administrative faculty may request leave in a minimum of half-day (four-hour) increments. Annual leave must be requested and approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor or other appropriate administrative officer. Time off requests are submitted through Workday. The “” job aid is available for those who need instructions.

Excess Annual Leave

A maximum of 48 days can be carried over from one fiscal year (June - July) to the next. Annual leave that is accrued in excess of 48 days at the end of the fiscal year will be forfeited. To avoid forfeiture, request annual time off in Workday no later than April 1.

Annual Leave Payout at Separation

Faculty on an “A” contract who resign, retire, or change their contract to “B” will be paid for unused annual leave up to a maximum of 48 days, unless the employee was directed, in writing, to use all or a portion of the accumulated leave prior to the final date of the contract.

Faculty on an "A" contract at the School of Medicine and the School of Dental Medicine are not eligible for an annual leave payout. Faculty are directed to use all days of accrued annual leave prior to the separation date. Leave requests must be submitted to appointing authority prior to separation date. No payment for accumulated annual leave will be made upon separation. Unused annual leave will be forfeited.

Sick Leave

All full-time academic and administrative faculty employees (both A and B contracts) receive 30 days of sick leave the first day of employment. After the first year of employment, two days of sick leave per month are accrued. A maximum of 96 days of sick leave can be carried forward from one fiscal year to the next.

“A” and “B” contract faculty with a full-time equivalent (FTE) less than 100% FTE earn sick leave on a prorated basis.

Sick leave is paid time off and may be used for:

  • Personal illness
  • Care of family members with illness, injury, medical, optometry, or dental appointments (up to 15 days of sick leave per year)
  • Death of an immediate family member within the third degree of consanguinity (up to 10 days per year)
Extended Sick Leave

The university offers extended paid sick leave (granted by the university president) for academic and administrative faculty members who have exhausted their sick leave and are unable to return to work.

Requesting Sick Leave

Academic and administrative faculty members may request leave in minimum of half-day (four-hour) increments. Time off requests are submitted through Workday. The “” job aid is available for those who need instructions.

Sick Leave Payout at Separation

Academic and administrative faculty are not eligible to receive payout of unused sick leave. Sick leave is forfeited.

Classified Employees

Annual Leave

Annual leave for classified staff is based on their years of service to the university. New employees are eligible to use leave after six months of full-time service. Classified employees with a full-time equivalent (FTE) less than 100% FTE earn annual leave on a prorated basis.

Full-time classified employees earn annual leave at the following rates:

Years of Service Annual Leave
Less than 10 years 10 hours each month
10 - 14 years 12 hours each month
15 years or more 14 hours each month
Requesting Leave

Classified employees may request leave in minimum 15-minute increments. Time off requests are submitted through Workday. The “managing time off” job aid is available for those who need instructions.

Excess Annual Leave

Classified employees who accrue annual leave in excess of 240 hours (30 days) must use it on or before January 1 or it will be forfeited. To avoid forfeiture, request annual leave by October 15.

All Classified employees who were employed at UNLV by January 1, 2024 within the designated bargaining units (A, E, F) who accrue annual leave in excess of 480 hours (60 days) must use it on or before January 1 or it will be forfeited. To avoid forfeiture, request annual leave by October 15.

Annual leave in excess of the carryover limit requested by October 15 but denied by a supervisor is eligible for payment. Classified employees will automatically receive payment for unused leave by January 31. More information can be found on the State of Nevada Employee Handbook.


All Classified employees who were employed at UNLV by January 1, 2024 within the designated bargaining units (A, E, F) have the option to cash out annual leave twice a year, ONLY IN November and May.

Each time they cash out, they can do so for a maximum of 40 hours, totaling up to 80 hours per year if they choose to cash out both times.

To be eligible for the cash-out, employees must have a remaining balance of at least 200 hours of annual leave after each cash-out period.

Annual Leave Payout at Separation

If a classified employee separates from state service and has worked at least six months, they will receive payment for any unused annual leave.

Sick Leave

Full-time classified employees accumulate 10 hours of sick leave per month. Part-time classified employees with a full-time equivalent (FTE) less than 100% FTE earn sick leave on a prorated basis. Sick leave may be used immediately after it is earned. Leave is paid time for:

  • Personal illness
  • Care for family members with illness, injury, medical, optometry, or dental appointments
  • Death in the family (up to five working days)
Requesting Leave

Classified employees may request leave in minimum 15-minute increments. Time off requests are submitted through Workday. The “” job aid is available for those who need instructions.

Sick Leave Carryover

Classified employees accumulate sick leave at the rate of 10 hours for each full month of service. After accumulating 720 hours of sick leave (90 days), the amount of additional unused sick leave which an employee is entitled to carry forward from one year to the next is limited to one half of the unused sick leave accrued during that year.

The other half of the unused sick leave is placed in a separate account called “sick leave bank” and is known as special sick leave. These additional hours are banked in December each year.

Sick Leave Payout at Separation

A classified employee who separates after a minimum of 10 years of service through no fault of their own is entitled to payment of accrued sick leave in excess of 240 hours (30 days) up to the following maximum amounts:

Years of Service Maximum Payoff Amount
10 - 15 years $2,500
15 - 20 years $4,000
20 - 25 years $6,000
25 or more years $8,000

Additionally, an employee may be eligible to receive a portion of their unused sick leave accrued but not carried forward (also known as special sick) when they leave state service.

Calculation for special sick leave:
((Special Sick Leave Hours) + (120 Hours)) ÷ 2 × Hourly Pay Rate = Payment Amount


All Classified employees who were employed at UNLV by January 1, 2022 within the designated will receive Personal leave time off.

  • Full time employees will accrue two (2) Personal Leave days per calendar year on January 1.
  • Part-time employees will accrue one (1) Personal Leave day (8 hours) each year on January 1.

All Classified employees who were employed at UNLV by January 1, 2024 within the designated (A, E, F) will receive Personal leave time off.

  • Full time employees will accrue four (4) Personal Leave days (32 hours) per calendar year on January 1.
  • Part-time employees will accrue two (2) Personal Leave days (16 hours) each year on January 1.

Personal Leave is paid time and may be used on the same basis as Annual leave except there is no six (6) month waiting period for new employees to use Personal Leave. Leave can be requested immediately.


Classified employees may request usage of Personal Leave in full day increments. Time off requests are submitted through Workday. The “” job aid is available for those who need instructions.


Leave will not be carried over from one year to the next.


Leave does not have cash value upon separation from state service. 


Part-Time Employees and Instructors

Part-time employees and instructors do not accrue annual or sick leave. If part-time employees or instructors need sick leave, they must discuss available options with their supervisor.

Postdoctoral Scholars

Annual Leave

Postdoctoral scholars receive 1.25 days of annual leave each month.

Requesting Leave

Time off requests are submitted through Workday. The “” job aid is available for those who need instructions.

Annual Leave Carryover

Fifteen days of leave may be carried over each month.

Annual Leave Payout at Separation

Postdoctoral scholars are not paid for any unused annual leave upon termination of employment.

Sick Leave

Postdoctoral scholars receive 15 days of sick leave on the first day of employment. After one year, scholars accrue 1.25 days of sick leave each month. Sick leave is paid time off and may be used for:

  • Personal illness
  • Care of an ill family member
  • Doctor appointments
  • Death in the family
Requesting Leave

Time off requests are submitted through Workday.

Sick Leave Carryover

Fifteen days of leave may be carried over each month.

Sick Leave Payout at Separation

Postdoctoral scholars are not paid for any unused sick leave upon termination of employment.

Dental Residents

Annual Leave

Dental residents receive 1.25 days of annual leave each month. Fifteen days of leave may be carried over each month.

Requesting Leave

Time off requests are submitted through Workday.

Annual Leave Carryover

Fifteen days of leave may be carried over each month.

Annual Leave Payout at Separation

Dental residents are not paid for any unused annual leave upon termination of employment.

Sick Leave

Dental residents receive 15 days of sick leave the first day of employment. After one year, scholars accrue 1.25 days of sick leave each month. Sick leave is paid time off and may be used for:

  • Personal illness
  • Care of an ill family member
  • Doctor appointments
  • Death in the family
Requesting Leave

Time off requests are submitted through Workday.

Sick Leave Carryover

Fifteen days of leave may be carried over each month.

Sick Leave Payout at Separation

Dental residents are not paid for any unused sick leave upon termination of employment.

Leave of Absence Programs

The absence management coordinator provides assistance and administers leaves of absence for university employees


All university employees receive 12 paid holidays per year:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • President's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Nevada Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Family Day
  • Christmas Day

This calendar provides specific holiday dates for the current year.


Workday is a cloud-based application that automates, streamlines, and standardizes business processes at UNLV. Employees view, request, and manage time off requests through this platform.

If you are a new employee that has not received your Workday username and password, please with the Office of Information Technology.

The university provides resources and job aids on the campus Workday portal on how to complete business processes including managing time off requests.