The Faculty and Student Issues Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Graduate College dean regarding appeals and petitions. The committee also reviews and makes recommendations regarding policies governing appointment to and termination of Graduate Faculty status. The Graduate College Dean may refer grievances from graduate students or graduate faculty to the committee for review and recommendation.

The Graduate College Appeal Process

The Graduate College appeal process consists of four steps that will ensure that the graduate student receives due process in response to an academic appeal. The signing of the appeal form and rendering of decisions by the graduate coordinator, department chair, college dean, and graduate college dean are each separate steps that ensure that appropriate individuals at each level of authority have considered all relevant UNLV policies and the relevant and comprehensive documentation provided by the graduate student in support of the appeal. The intent of the appeal process is to promote appropriate resolution of the academic issue and to facilitate the appropriate remedy for the student at the level closest to the student’s degree area as possible.

Faculty & Administrator Responsibilities

  1. Faculty and administrators are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all policies within the UNLV Graduate Catalog, UNLV Handbook(s), and existing departmental policies.
  2. Faculty and administrators designated on the appeal at each level of authority are responsible for thoroughly reviewing the appeal and all supporting documentation provided by the graduate student, applying the appropriate existing policy, rendering a timely decision, and signing the appeal form.

Graduate Student Responsibilities

  1. Graduate students are responsible for knowledge of and compliance with all policies within the UNLV Graduate Catalog, UNLV Handbook(s), and existing departmental policies.
  2. Graduate students must adhere to all appeal instructions included on the in order for the appeal to be considered.
  3. It is the graduate student's responsibility to provide a clear and concisely written statement of the appeal issue and to provide all relevant documentation to support/substantiate the appeal.
  4. Graduate students must submit the in sequential order to the graduate coordinator, the department chair and the college dean for consideration and action prior to submitting the appeal to the graduate dean.
  5. Graduate students should begin the appeals process at the department level with a complete, clear, and thoroughly prepared Graduate College Appeal Form. Appeals related to courses or semester requirements must be submitted to the Graduate College within 60 days from the end of semester, or within 90 days from the inciting incident or catalyst for the appeal.


Questions about the Graduate Student Appeals & Legal Issues Committee?

Dr. Valarie Burke
Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services

Dr. Emily Lin
Associate Dean