Educational Policy & Leadership

Educational Psychology

Higher Education

Intercollegiate and Professional Sport Management

Learning Sciences

Mixed Methods Research

Qualitative Research

Applicants will be responsible for ensuring that their application files are complete and submitted before the appropriate deadline. To this end, applicants will need to include in their application a current email address as all correspondence will be done electronically. The admission process is somewhat complex in that the Graduate College and the department have separate requirements that applicants will have to meet. Because of this, applicants will need to understand the importance of submitting the proper material to the proper places.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit all application materials well in advance of the deadlines.

A list of degree-related forms can be found on the Student Resources page.

Full-time Ph.D. students receive funding through graduate assistantships. Graduate assistantships represent opportunities for students to gain valuable experience as faculty research assistants, academic advisors, program assistants, career counselors, analysts, institutional planners, student program advisors, development researchers, and other professional responsibilities. Assistantships on the UNLV campus are housed in Student Affairs, Intercollegiate Athletics, the Graduate College, Academic Success Center, UNLV Foundation, and the Department of Educational Psychology and Higher Education, as well as other offices. Assistantships are sometimes available at other campuses, such as Nevada State College or the College of Southern Nevada with some potential opportunities in the Nevada System of Higher Education office, located in Las Vegas. Efforts are made to match the developmental needs of the student with available opportunities.

Graduate assistantships require 20 hours per week during the 9-month academic year. Compensation includes a monthly stipend. For doctoral students that stipend will total approximately $13,000 per academic year. The assistantship also covers most of the per-credit tuition/registration fee and contributes to the cost of student health and accident insurance and may include professional development opportunities. In several instances, professional development opportunities include funding for national conference attendance.

To qualify for an assistantship, students must be admitted to the Graduate College and complete the Graduate Assistantship Application form. The contains general information on graduate assistantships.