American criminal justice system and its development, components, and processes; includes consideration of crime and criminal justice as a formal area of study. 3 credits.

Analysis of the American correctional system, emphasizing prison, probation, parole, and community-based corrections; theories of punishment/rehabilitation; and the prison as a social system. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

Introduction to criminal law, and its common law origins, basic concepts, and application in legal proceedings. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

Overview of the basic philosophy and procedures of the juvenile justice system, types of delinquent offenders, and factors associated with delinquency discussed. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

Principles, methods, and procedures used in obtaining evidence used in criminal proceedings. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

History, organization, and role of the police in a democratic society. Current issues in policing discussed. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

Principles of evidence that pertain to the criminal justice process; nature and types of criminal evidence; and the rules governing the collection, presentation, and admissibility of evidence in court, with special emphasis on the admissibility of evidence at trial. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

Federal and local judicial systems, analysis and synthesis of judicial opinions, methods of interpretation of statutes, and the role of the courts in conflict resolution. 3 credits.

Examination of the causes, types, and distribution of crime in American society. 3 credits.

Introduction to social research methods and their application to criminal justice. Emphasis on relationships of theory to research, measurement, research design, hypothesis testing, sampling, and the implications of research for social policy. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 270. 3 credits.

Application of quantitative techniques to criminal justice data, with particular focus on problems of existing data sources. Methods of prediction, classification of offenders, forecasting crime trends, and modeling decision making in the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Survey of the principles and techniques of scientific and technical examination of physical evidence obtained during the investigative process. Prerequisites: CRJ 164. 3 credits.

Relationship among law, police, and community in context of policing reform toward community policing. Community policing elements including community orientation, problem solving, and community crime prevention. Goals, strategies, and limits of formal and informal social control. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Examine the causes, manifestations, and consequences of hate crimes - specifically, the nature of hate and prejudice in society, who the perpetrators and victims are likely to be, and examining responses of communities and the criminal justice system. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 270. 3 credits.

Examination of the extent, causes, and the social characteristics of serial killers and sexual predators. Review of psychological and sociological theories of criminality to explain offender motivation, distribution of offenses across geographical areas, crime elements, and methods of selecting victims. Other topics include homicide investigation techniques, crime profiling, and computer mapping. Prerequisites: Three credits of social science. 3 credits.

Explores how various criminal justice issues are represented and misrepresented in popular culture through film. In addition, films are used to illustrate perspectives relevant to criminal justice. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

This course will give students an overview of the trial process within the American legal tradition and provide students with the theoretical, technical, and practical skills used in trial advocacy. Students will learn about the Federal Rules of Evidence and trial structure including, voir dire, direct and cross-examinations of witnesses, and the admissibility of evidence. Prerequisite: CRJ 104, CRJ 225, and consent of the Mock Trial Director. 3 credits

This course further develops qualifying trial advocacy students' and returning mock trial students’ knowledge and presentation skills relevant to the advocacy process. Student teams will prepare for intercollegiate competition by deeper case analysis of American Mock Trial Association. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisite: CRJ 340, audition, and the consent of the instructor.

Major theories of crime causation and societal reaction to crime. Particular attention to functionalism, conflict theory, definitional theory, the interactionist perspective, strain theory, and social and cultural support approaches. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Examines theories and statistical approaches to analyze data. These approaches include spatial analysis, behavioral profiling, arrest trajectories, population projections, risk-assessment techniques, and other methods used in crime analysis. Prerequisites: CRJ 270, CRJ 301, and CRJ 302 (cannot be taken concurrently). 3 credits.

Historical development of criminal justice. Several eras reviewed, including the colonial period (up to 1815), 19th century, early 20th century (up to 1940), and the modern era (1940 to present). Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 301, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

(Same as ANTH 420.) General theory and practice of social control. Examines law and legal procedures in tribal, peasant, and industrial societies. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 or ANTH 101, or upper-division standing. 3 credits.

Review of the nature, distribution, and causes of youth crime. Special attention on the historical context of youth crime and the subject of youth gangs. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Examines types, causes, and measurement of white-collar crime; provides an overview of different cases and their costs; considers competing theories to explain white-collar criminality; and explores the use of criminal sanctions to deter the misconduct of corporations. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Analysis of the development, function, and problems of foreign criminal justice systems. Emphasis on comparisons to the American system. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

Personnel, collective bargaining, technology, total quality management, communication, implementation, training, futures, and other contemporary management issues as they bear on community policing and problem solving. Prerequisite: CRJ 104.

This course explores the relationship between practice and research as reflected in the problems and challenges that confront campus policing and security. This course incorporates both a historical and a contemporary view of campus crime. Prerequisites: CRJ 104. 3 credits.

This course examines major theoretical and methodological perspectives in society of law, lawmaking, law as social control, law and dispute resolution, and its effects on social change. With classic and topical readings, it challenges students to think critically about the nature and functions of law in contemporary society. Prerequisites: CRJ 104, 130, 270. 3 credits.

Development, philosophy, and operational manifestations of various sentencing alternatives, with particular emphasis on correctional institutions and subsequent classification and programming. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

(Same as WMST 428.) Women as offenders and as processed through the criminal justice system; women as victims and the response of the criminal justice system and the community. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Debates about the similarities and differences between men and women as they apply to crime. Examines the social construction of masculinity and femininity and how this may be expressed through criminal behavior. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Procedural law concerning the processing of criminal matters from the investigatory stage through adjudication and disposition in state and federal courts. Emphasis on constitutional case law. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 130. 3 credits.

Cognitive and social influences that affect jury decision making. Relationship between juror attitudes and behavior, information-processing abilities of jurors, decision-making strategies, psycholinguistic limitations of jury instructions, conformity pressures, and other social-psychological factors affecting deliberations. Prerequisites: CRJ 130 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Study of the social nature of law, the relationship of law to social organization, law as a mechanism of social change, and the interrelationship between social factors and legal processes. Prerequisites: CRJ 130 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Examination of the techniques of control, prevention, and treatment of delinquent behavior. Focus on linking techniques to theories of delinquency. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Overview of the many dimensions of social inequality and how it relates to law, crime, and justice. Review of social stratification theories and poverty included. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Use of social science as a tool for legal analysis. Examines the utility of empirical research in determining substantive legal issues such as community defenses, the use of offender profiles in criminal procedure, the death penalty, and the size of juries. Prerequisites: CRJ 130 and CRJ 301, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

Study of victimization due to sexual crimes or deviance. Impact of sexual abuse, rape, pornography, and prostitution. Prerequisites: CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Development and implementation of administrative policies in the management of resources in law-enforcement agencies. Emphasis on personnel, planning, budgeting, and decision-making processes. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Contemporary issues and problems in criminal justice viewed from an analytic perspective. Content differs each semester. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites: Criminal justice major and senior standing, CRJ 270 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Review of current public-policy issues related to crime and criminal justice in the United States. Specific topic may change as new policy issues emerge. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Principles and practices of probation and parole. Emphasis on constructive methods of correctional processing within the broad scope of community-based corrections. Prerequisites: CRJ 425. 3 credits.

(Same as PSY 469.) Psychological perspective for understanding legal issues. Topics include the development of conceptions of morality and justice, psychological theories of anti-social behavior, conflict-resolution strategies, insanity and the law, judicial decision making, the effects of stress on police officers, criminal psychological profiling, and psychological impact of victimization. Prerequisites: CRJ 130 and CRJ 301. 3 credits.

Focused analysis of specific forms of criminal behavior or particular theoretical approaches to crime causation. Content differs each semester. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and CRJ 270. 3 credits.

Reinforces academic knowledge with practical work experience in local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites: Declared major in criminal justice, CRJ 104 and CRJ 270, junior or above standing, and consent of internship director. S/F grading only. 3 credits.

This course will give you the opportunity to make a positive change in people's lives. It will serve as the main component of the Trailblazers Program in the Department of Criminal Justice. The goal is to train peer mentors who will help first-generation Criminal Justice college students succeed in college.

Prerequisites: , junior standing or higher, and consent of instructor. Credits: 3

This course will give students the opportunity to apply the training received in . Students will serve as peer mentors in the "Trailblazer" program, and will provide assistance to first-generation CRJ students.

Prerequisites: . Credits: 3
Repeatable: May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

Students must complete the Senior Assessment, CRJ 498, during the semester in which they plan to graduate. Designed to assess student's knowledge in criminal justice, evaluate department performance, and identify areas that need to be strengthened in the department and the curriculum. Prerequisites: Graduating senior in semester of graduation. Students must submit graduation application to the Department of Criminal Justice office to register for class. 0 credits.

Individual research under supervision of the instructor. Students undertake specific research projects in criminal justice on the basis of interest and preparation. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites: CRJ 104 and consent of instructor. 1 to 6 credits.