Admission to the Major

Students will be assigned a Pre-Communication Major (PRE-COM) designation until they have completed the following premajor requirements and have a 2.0 GPA:

  • Communication Core (nine credits): COM 101 or HON 190A, COM 102, and COM 216.
  • UNLV courses (16 to 18 credits total): ENG 101 and 102, U.S. and Nevada Constitutions requirement, and six credits chosen from the remaining General Education Core requirements.
  • All courses satisfying PRE-COM requirements must be completed with at least a C (2.0) grade (C- is unacceptable). PRE-COM designates may not enroll in upper-division COM courses (300 to 400 level).

Transfer Policies

Transfer students will be assigned a PRE-COM designation until they have completed the premajor requirements described above and must meet with an advisor in the College's Student Advising Center for articulation of transfer credit.

Admission to the Minor (18 credits)

Before being admitted to a minor in Communication Studies, students must complete the following with a minimum grade point average (in these courses) of 2.5 and no course grade below "C."

  • One of the following: COM 101, Oral Communication (three credit hours), or COM 102, Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (three credit hours), or HON 190A, Honors Public Speaking (three credit hours).
  • Program requirement: COM 216, Survey of Communication Studies (three credit hours).
  • Theory requirement: One of the following: COM 400, Human Communication Theory (three credit hours), or COM 409, The Rhetorical Tradition (three credit hours).
  • Elective requirement: Nine credit hours of elective courses, six of which must be upper-division (300- or 400-level) courses. Elective courses may include 300- or 400-level HON courses taught by COM faculty.