Application Materials

Those who wish to be considered for such a role must complete the "Student Commencement Speaker" application form. Forms for both undergraduate and graduate students may be downloaded by choosing the link below:

In addition to the completed application form, each prospective speaker must also submit a copy of his or her three-minute proposed speech.

Students may self-nominate or be nominated by their College Dean or faculty member.

If selected, an applicant agrees to give only the submitted speech. The applicant understands that if they materially deviate from the submitted speech or speak for an extended period beyond the allotted time, the microphone may be muted, they may be escorted from the stage, and they may be subject to dismissal from any program in which they are enrolled, as it could indicate a lack of professionalism or unethical conduct. Finally, they understand that a material deviation from the submitted speech may also subject them to discipline under the Student Conduct Code and any other applicable policy, which may result in a hold on their transcript among other sanctions.


The deadline for submitting applications for the Winter 2024 Commencement ceremony is Friday, November 1, at 11:59 p.m. Please email all completed application materials as a single file (Word or PDF) to Ryder Hankins, Office of the President. If you choose to include a letter of nomination, you may ask the nominator to email this directly to

Selection Process

A student speaker will be selected to address the graduating class at Commencement. The speaker, who is selected through a competition held each semester, must be a member of the graduating class they plan to address.